Gateways are separated into two categories: Merchant and Non-Merchant. Typically, Merchant gateways require a merchant account and payment is all handled seamlessly through Blesta. Non-Merchant gateways usually do not require a merchant account and payment is processed offsite on the gateways website.
Not an exhaustive list.
This is not an exhaustive list of gateways for Blesta. This list contains the gateways that ship with Blesta, or can be found on our Github. There are many third party gateways, and some can be found on the Marketplace. We are also available to hire for custom development. If you're looking to create your own gateway, see Getting Started with Gateways in the developer manual.
Installing Gateways
Do not uninstall token based gateways
Token based gateways should not be uninstalled unless you do not intend to use them anymore. Payment Accounts are linked to the payment gateway instance. If you reinstall a payment gateway that utilizes tokens like Stripe Payments, the associated gateway_id will no longer match and all existing Payment Accounts will be unusable. It's possible to update accounts_cc.gateway_id from the old gateway ID to the new gateway ID by running the following query. First, backup your database. Second, determine the old gateway_id by viewing existing records in the accounts_cc table. Third, determine the new gateway_id by observing the ID in the URL when managing the Payment Gateway in Blesta. Fourth, run the following query, replacing NEWID and OLDID with the new and old ID's.
UPDATE `accounts_cc` SET `gateway_id`='NEWID' WHERE `gateway_id`='OLDID';
Optional: Existing transactions can also be updated, in order to allow earlier transactions to be voided or refunded.
UPDATE `transactions` SET `gateway_id`='NEWID' WHERE `gateway_id`='OLDID';
Merchant gateways are used to process credit card or ACH transactions seamlessly to the end-user. These gateways typically require a merchant account through a bank.
- — is a popular payment gateway for US merchants, and many banks offer as a gateway option with a merchant account.
- Accept.js — Accept credit cards securely with Accept.js captures the payment data and submits it directly to
- BluePay — BluePay is a popular payment gateway for US merchants.
- Braintree — Braintree is a merchant payment gateway owned by PayPal.
- Converge — Converge (Formerly VirtualMerchant) is a payment platform that flexes with your business.
- Cornerstone — Cornerstone is one of the nation's leading Christian owned and operated independent sales organizations in the merchant processing industry.
- eWay — eWay is a popular payment gateway for Australian merchants.
- PayJunction — PayJunction is a popular payment gateway in the United States.
- PayPal Payflow Pro — PayPal Payflow Pro is a popular payment gateway offered by PayPal.
- Quantum Gateway — Quantum Gateway is a popular gateway for US merchants.
- SagePay — SagePay is a popular UK payment gateway.
- Stripe — Stripe is a popular payment gateway in North America, and Europe. Stripe is built for developers and offers flat fee processing.
- Stripe Payments — Stripe Payment is a popular payment gateway in North America, and Europe. Stripe is built for developers and offers flat fee processing. This integration supports 3DS and SCA.
Non-Merchant gateways take the user to a third party site to complete payment, which is then posted back to Blesta to be recorded. These gateways do not usually require a merchant account.
- 2Checkout — 2Checkout is a globally accepted payment processor that accepts Credit Cards, PayPal, and Debit Cards.
- Alipay — Alipay is a popular Chinese payment gateway.
- Bitpay — Bitpay is a payment processor that accepts a variety of crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin, which also accepts a multitude of currencies.
- Blockonomics — Blockonomics is a crypto payment gateway that deposits direct to wallet with no KYC.
- BTCPay — BTCPay Server is a Bitcoin payment processor that is self hosted and does not require KYC and has no processing fees.
- CCAvenue — CCAvenue is a payment processor for the Indian rupee.
- Coinbase Commerce — Coinbase Commerce is a payment processor by Coinbase that accepts a variety of crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum and other crypto-currencies.
- CoinGate — Pay with Bitcoin or Altcoins via
- CoinPayments — CoinPayments is a popular payment gateway, accepting many different cryptocurrencies.
- Duitku — Duitku is an Indonesian payment gateway.
- GoCardless — GoCardless is the easy way to collect Direct Debit. Already serving more than 30000 businesses, perfect for recurring billing and B2B invoicing.
- Google Checkout — Google Checkout is a payment gateway by Google.
- Hubtel — Hubtel is a popular African payment gateway.
- iDeal
- Kassa Compleet
- Offline Payment — Offline Payment allows instructions to be displayed to the client informing them on how to submit payment offline.
- PagSeguro — PagSeguro is a payment processor for the Brazilian real.
- Payfast — Payfast is a payment processor for South Africa.
- PayPal Checkout — PayPal Checkout is a popular payment gateway from PayPal. It's newer than the original PayPal Payments Standard integration.
- PayPal Payments Standard — PayPal Payments Standard is one of the most popular payment gateways in the world.
- Paystack — Paystack is a payment processor for Africa.
- PayUmoney — PayUmoney is a popular Indian payment gateway.
- Payza — Payza is a globally-accepted payment processor.
- Perfect Money — Perfect Money is a popular European payment gateway.
- Razorpay — Razorpay is the only payments solution in India which allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite.
- Skrill — Skrill (Formerly Moneybookers) is one of the worlds leading digital payment companies.
- Square — Square is a popular payment gateway for the US, UK, and Canada.
- SSLCommerz — SSLCommerz is the first payment gateway in Bangladesh opening doors for merchants to receive payments on the internet via their online stores.
- Wide Pay — Wide Pay is a Brazilian payment processor that accepts Credit Cards and bank transfers.