Table of Contents

This gateway requires Blesta 3.1.0 or greater. Additionally, we recommend ensuring that mcrypt is enabled (libmcrypt PHP extension) to support data encryption for this payment gateway.

About CCAvenue

CCAvenue is an innovative and advanced payment gateway. Learn more about CCAvenue on their website at

Installing CCAvenue

To install the CCAvenue payment gateway, visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Payment Gateways] > Available, and click the "Install" button for CCAvenue.

A message will be displayed, indicating that the payment gateway was successfully installed.

Enter the details provided by CCAvenue.

Field NameDescription
Merchant IDEnter your merchant User ID.
Encryption KeyThe key used to encrypt data sent to the gateway. This is generated in your CCAvenue account under API Keys.
Access CodeThe API access code. This can be found in your CCAvenue account under API Keys.
Accepted Currencies

Check the currencies that you would like to be processed through this payment gateway.

The following currencies are available:


When finished, click "Update Settings" to save the details. You have successfully installed and configured CCAvenue!

Common Problems

  1. The gateway doesn't load properly when making a payment, or I receive Error Code: 10001
    1. Solution: Make sure PHP mcrypt is enabled, it's required by the gateway
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