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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

A widget is an interface element that can contain just about anything. To help create widgets we've designed the Widget, or WidgetClient helper, which is automatically loaded for all views created in a controller that inherits (either directly or indirectly) from AppController. The Widget helper is loaded for the staff interface, and the WidgetClient helper is loaded for the client interface. The two are almost identical, except that the WidgetClient helper doesn't provide some additional options. In all of the examples below simply replace Widget with WidgetClient if working in the client interface.

The Structure

Every widget needs at least two things: a beginning, and an end.

Code Block

# TODO: Place widget contents here


In the example above we do three things:

  1. On line 2 we clear the widget using the clear() method. This allows us to ensure that our widget is in its default state.
  2. On line 3 we begin the widget with create().
  3. On line 9 we end the widget with end().

The create() method accepts a few parameters, described below:

  • $title - The title to display for the widget window
  • $attributes - An array of HTML attributes to set for the widget's primary container.
  • $render - The are of the widget to render. This is necessary when renderings widgets via AJAX, so you can control the content that's replaced. Acceptable values include:
    • 'full' - The default value, will render the entire widget.
    • 'content_section' - The full content including navigation (everything excluding box frame and title section). Use 'inner_content' if using WidgetClient.
    • 'common_box_content' - The content only ('content_section' excluding the navigation). Use 'inner' if using WidgetClient.
Code Block
$this->Widget->create("My Widget Title", array('id' => "my_widget_id", 'class' => "my_widget_class"), "full");

# TODO: Place widget contents here


Window Decorations

Window decorations are set on the title bar of the widget. There are currently three types of window decorations: arrow, setting, and full_screen. The arrow decorations allows the widget to be minimized and restored, while the setting decoration may be linked another page or URI loaded via AJAX. The full_screen decoration adds a button which allows this widget to expand to the full width of the browser window.

Code Block
// Allow the widget to be minimized
// Allow this widget's setting to be updated using ClientMain::settings()
$this->Widget->setWidgetButton(array('class' => "setting ajax", 'href' => $this->base_uri . "widget/my_plugin/client_main/settings/"));
$this->Widget->create("My Widget Title", array('id' => "my_widget_id", 'class' => "my_widget_class"), "full");

# TODO: Place widget contents here


You'll notice on line 6, above, we've set both a "setting" and "ajax" class for our window decoration. The "setting" class works just line the "arrow" parameter on line 4, except it renders a different icon. The real difference here is the addition of the "ajax" class. What this does is tell Blesta to fetch the URI specified in the 'href' attribute via AJAX. Blesta will automatically request the data and perform the replacement of the data in the DOM. Therefore, the response of the request must be properly formatted. To do that, simply invoke the AppController::renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync() method.

Code Block
class ClientMain extends MyPluginController {
	public function settings() {
		$this->set("var1", "hello");
		$this->set("var2", "world!");

		return $this->renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync(false);

The renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync() method will automatically determine the format of the response and act accordingly.

Widgets may set tabs or links to appear at the top of the widget to swap content.

When tabs are set, each must include three attributes, namely: name, current, and attributes. The name is the display name of the tab. Current is whether or not the tab is currently selected, and attributes are additional attributes to include on the anchor tag of the tab, such as the href.

Code Block
	$tabs = array(
		array('name'=>"Settings", 'attributes'=>array('href'=>$this->base_uri . "widget/my_plugin/client_main/settings/")),
		array('name'=>"Manage", 'current'=>true, 'attributes'=>array('href'=>$this->base_uri . "widget/my_plugin/client_main/manage/"))

	$this->Widget->create("My Widget Title", true));

	# TODO: Place widget contents here



Links may be used in place of tabs, and may accompany link buttons. Links are displayed at the top left of a widget while link buttons are displayed at the top right. Links may also specify an "ajax" class to allow the widget content to be replaced via AJAX content from the specified href.

Code Block
	$links = array(
		array('name'=>"Settings", 'current'=>true, 'attributes'=>array('href'=>$this->base_uri . "widget/my_plugin/client_main/settings/", 'class'=>"ajax")),
		array('name'=>"Manage", 'attributes'=>array('href'=>$this->base_uri . "widget/my_plugin/client_main/manage/", 'class'=>"ajax"))
	$link_buttons = array(
		array('name'=>"Add Setting", 'attributes'=>array("href"=>$this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "widget/my_plugin/client_main/settings/add/")))
	$this->Widget->create("My Widget Title", true));

	# TODO: Place widget contents here



Widgets and Plugins

Widgets can appear anywhere within your plugin, but Blesta reserves a few Plugin Actions especially for rendering widgets. These actions will automatically load your widgets to display in various locations (if the Staff member has enabled the widget to appear). This allows plugins to display custom data/forms on pages that plugins can't otherwise access. For more information on registering your widgets with these actions see the Plugin Actions section of this manual.

Custom Styles

Style Sheets

You can load custom style sheets in your widget simply by using the setStyleSheet() method. You may call it as many times as necessary.

Code Block
$this->Widget->setStyleSheet($this->view_dir . "css/styles.css");
$this->Widget->create("My Widget Title", array('id' => "my_widget_id", 'class' => "my_widget_class"), "full");

# TODO: Place widget contents here



You can enable links in your widgets to be themed by Blesta by adding the "override" class to each link.

Code Block
titleAllow the theme to override the color of your links
<a class="override" href="/">Click me!</a>