Versions Compared


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titleUse the Extension Generator

As of Blesta 4.12 we've included a useful tool to help developers get started and save time.  Blesta's Extension Generator can be used to generate many the files necessary for a plugin and will create basic code with an option to include comments to help you understand each part of the code.

Getting Started

Plugins follow the same MVC design pattern that Blesta adheres to. The plugin system is provided as a feature of the minPHP framework, Blesta simply defines the naming convention. For the purpose of this manual, the plugin name we'll refer to is my_pluginplgn. Your plugin name will, of course, differ.


Plugins are fully contained within their named plugin directory and placed in the /plugins/ directory. Below is the minimum required file structure for a plugin:

  • /plugins/
    • my_pluginplgn/
      • controllers/
      • models/
      • views/
      • language/
      • my_pluginplgn_controller.php
      • my_pluginplgn_model.php
      • my_pluginplgn_plugin.php
      • config.json (for version 3.1+)

my_pluginplgn_controller.php is the plugin's parent controller. This controller can be used to add supporting methods for the other controllers to inherit. Similarly, my_pluginplgn_model.php is the plugin's parent model and can be used to add supporting methods for the other models to inherit.

Because plugins inherit from the application stack their views default to the view directory defined for application. For this reason, you should always declare the view directory for the views within your plugin. The example below requires that you place all views (.pdt files) into /plugins/my_pluginplgn/views/default/.

Code Block
class MyPluginControllerMyPlgnController extends AppController {
    public function preAction() {
        // Set the view directory to the default core view directory so that AppController preAction code uses the appropriate
        // directory for the structure file
        // Override default view directory
 with that of     $this->view->view = "default";the plugin 
        $this->structure>view->view = "default";

Finally, my_pluginplgn_plugin.php is a special class that must extend the Plugin class of /components/plugins/lib/plugin.php. This class is used for installing, upgrading, uninstalling, and branding the plugin in conjunction with the config.json file.

Install Logic

If your plugin requires any code to execute when installed, place that logic in your plugin's install() method.

Code Block
class MyPluginPluginMyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin {


    public function install($plugin_id) {
        # TODO: Place installation logic here


Code Block
class MyPluginPluginMyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin { 


    public function uninstall($plugin_id, $last_instance) {
        # TODO: Place uninstallation logic here 


The $current_version is the version currently installed. That is, the version that will be upgraded from. The $plugin_id is the ID of the plugin being upgraded.

Code Block
class MyPluginPluginMyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin {


    public function upgrade($current_version, $plugin_id) {
        # TODO: Place upgrade logic here



title1 != 0

Data validation is an important part of logic, and user friendly application design. Be sure to check out the Error Checking section of this manual for a full explanation on error handling.


Code Block
class MyPluginPluginMyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin {

    public function __construct() {
        Loader::loadComponents($this, array("Input"));


    public function upgrade($current_version, $plugin_id) {
        // Ensure new version is greater than installed version
        if (version_compare($this->version, $current_version) < 0) {
                'version' => array([
                    'invalid' => "Downgrades are not allowed."

Branding The Plugin

For version 3.1+ simply create a config.json file and include it in the constructor of your plugin.

Code Block
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "name": "My Plugin Name",
    "description": "A plugin like no other!",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Phillips Data, Inc.",
            "url": ""

Code Block
class MyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin {
    public function __construct() {
        $this->loadConfig(dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "config.json");

For version 3.0, you must define all of the branding details through methods.

titleShow plugin branding in 3.0

All that any plugin truly requires is branding. These options come from three methods: getName(), getVersion(), getAuthors().

Code Block
MyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin {


    public function getName() {
		return "MyPlugin";

	public function getVersion() {
		return "1.0.0";

	public function getAuthors() {
				'name' => "MyCompany",
				'url' => ""

The getAuthors() method requires a multi-dimensional array, so you can specify multiple authors if needed.

Lastly, each plugin needs a logo. By default these are loaded from /plugins/my_plgn/views/default/images/logo.png. You can override the location of the logo file by implementing the getLogo() method in your plugin.

Code Block
class MyPlgnPlugin extends Plugin {
    public function getLogo() {
        return "views" . DS . "default" . DS . "images" . DS . "some_other_logo.png";

titleInternationalize it!

Use the Language library to help internationalize your plugin. Just create a language directory in your plugin, then a directory for each language (i.e. /plugins/my_pluginplgn/language/en_us/) and place your language files in there. See Translating Blesta for how to load, format, and use language definitions.

Managing a Plugin

If your plugin requires certain configurable options, you can create a management link viewable to staff members that have access to installed plugins. To do so, all you need to do is create an AdminManagePlugin controller. This is a special controller that is initialized by Blesta internally, so all views must be returned (as strings) from the requested action methodsLastly, each plugin needs a logo. By default these are loaded from /plugins/my_plugin/views/default/images/logo.png. You can override the location of the logo file by implementing the getLogo() method in your plugin.

Code Block
class MyPluginPlugin extends Plugin {

    ...AdminManagePlugin extends AppController {

     * Performs necessary initialization
    private function init()
        // Set the view to render for all actions under this controller
        $this->view->setView(null, 'MyPlgn.default');

    public function getLogoindex() {

		$var1 = "hello";
		$var2 = "world";
		return "views" . DS . "default" . DS . "images" . DS . "some_other_logo.png";
?>$this->partial("admin_manage_plugin", compact("var1", "var2"));

	public function foo() {

		return $this->partial("admin_manage_plugin_foo");

By default the index() method is called. You can link to other controller and actions from your views using the following URL format:

Code Block
<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "settings/company/plugins/manage/" . $this->Html->_($plugin_id, true) . "/?controller=admin_manage_plugin&action=foo");?>">Link to other action</a>

The above link would render the AdminManagePlugin::foo() method.

Making It Interactive

So far all we've see is how to build a plugin that can be installed, uninstalled, upgraded, and managed, but that's the just tip of the iceberg. As we discussed earlier, plugins can do so much more.


By register actions, a plugin makes itself available in the interface in certain areas. See Plugin Actions for how to register actions.


Some plugins need to be executed when certain events occur outside of the plugin's control. This is accomplished by registering events. See Plugin Events for how to register events.

Cron Jobs

Plugins that need to perform certain tasks automatically at either set intervals are certain times of the day can register cron tasks. See Plugin Cron Tasks for how to register cron tasks.