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Checking the integrity of your System Key and Encrypted Data


If you have a passphrase set for batch processing credit cards, this utility will not work. If possible, first remove the passphrase under Settings > Company > General > Encryption.

The /config/blesta.php file contains a very important Blesta.system_key. This key is generated during installation and must match the original database. If the key is changed, all encrypted data will be irrecoverable and your installation will be permanently broken.


  1. To reset the staff password visit /admin/login and click the "Reset My Password" link. Enter your username, and click the "Reset Password" button. You should get an email with a password reset link within a few minutes.
  2. If you don't get an email, ensure that your username is correct. In phpMyAdmin or other MySQL database utility, look in the users table. Your username should appear in the "username" column, typically where id equals 1, as the primary staff account is the first user to be created. Try using the password reset option above with the correct username.
  3. If that still doesn't work, you will need to temporarily enable legacy passwords.
    1. Please see [encryption]( in Encryption in the user manual, specifically Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords and set it to true.
    2. Then, in the users table for your username, update the password field to: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
    3. Then, try logging in with your username and the password password. Reset your password.
    4. Then, change Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords back to false.

Renaming a Module

In some rare cases it may be necessary to rename a 3rd party module. For example, if you are using a third party module named TestModule, and we release an official module called TestModule, you may wish to rename third party module so that it is not overwritten by the official module.


Before proceeding, make sure you really need to rename the module and be sure to back up your files + database. If you encounter any issues, roll back your changes.

The first step is to rename the module directory and primary module file

  • /components/modules/testmodule becomes /components/modules/testmoduleold
  • Rename /components/modules/testmodule/testmodule.php to /components/modules/testmodule/testmoduleold.php

The second step is to  update the class name in testmoduleold.php from:

Code Block
class Testmodule extends Module


Code Block
class Testmoduleold extends Module

The third step is to update the modules database table.

Code Block
UPDATE `modules` SET `class` = 'testmoduleold' WHERE `class` = 'testmodule';

The fourth step is to change view context statements from:

Code Block
$this->view->setDefaultView('components' . DS . 'modules' . DS . 'testmodule' . DS)


Code Block
$this->view->setDefaultView('components' . DS . 'modules' . DS . 'testmoduleold' . DS)

Testing Outbound SMTP

If you can't send mail, you can use curl to see if your server is able to connect. Replace with your SMTP server, and 587 with your SMTP port if different. It should return 250 header information, if it times out, your firewall is probably closed.

Code Block
curl smtps:// -v