Table of Contents |
Some configuration settings may only be changed by modifying files in your Blesta installation. These files can be found in the /config/ directory.
Modifying these settings could have disastrous effects. Only modify these settings if you know what you are doing.
This file contains general configuration options which may be updated during upgrades.
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Blesta.database_info | array | Database connection information. |
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Blesta.results_per_page | integer | Number of results to display per page. |
Blesta.pagination | array | Set pagination settings. |
Blesta.pagination_ajax | array | Configurations to override on pagination to help enabled AJAX. |
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Blesta.cron_memory_limit | string | Sets the memory limit during cron execution, null will not override memory limit. Acceptable values are those allowed by init_set() for 'memory_limit' (e.g. "512M" = 512 MB). |
Blesta.cron_task_restart_limit | integer | The time period (in minutes) after which an unfinished cron task will be considered stalled and the cron task may be run again. |
Blesta.cron_minimum_run_interval | integer | The minimum time period (in minutes) after which a cron task may be re-run. Minimum run interval This should be set to no less than the smallest interval configured for automation tasks in Blesta. As of version 4.3.0, this is 5 minutes. |
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Blesta.session_ttl | integer | Length of time (in seconds) that a session will be valid for |
Blesta.cookie_ttl | integer | Length of time (in seconds) that a cookie will be valid for |
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Blesta.calendar_time_interval | integer | Number of minutes between intervals of the full calendar time. |
Blesta.sticky_notes_to_show | integer | Number of sticky notes to show before viewing more. |
Blesta.sticky_notes_max | integer | Maximum number of sticky notes to show. |
Blesta.invoice_renewal_max_days | integer | Maximum number of days to allow invoice days before renewal to be set. |
Blesta.autodebit_before_due_max_days | integer | Maximum number of days to allow auto debit days before due date to be set. |
Blesta.suspend_services_after_due_max_days | integer | Maximum number of days to allow services to be unpaid and overdue before suspension. |
Blesta.payment_notices_max_days | integer | Maximum number of days to allow payment notices/reminders to be set. |
Blesta.cron_log_retention_days | integer | Number of days in the past to retain cron logs. |
Blesta.auto_delete_accountaccess_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete account access logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_client_setting_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete client setting logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_contact_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete contact logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_email_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete email logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_gateway_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete gateway logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_module_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete module logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_service_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete service logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_transaction_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete transaction logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.auto_delete_user_logs | boolean | Whether or not to delete user logs according to the cron log retention policy. |
Blesta.cache_length | string | Length of time that a cached page will be served before being built again. |
Blesta.reset_password_ttl | string | Length of time that a reset password request will be valid for. |
Blesta.gw_callback_url | string | The URL that gateway callback requests should be directed to. |
Blesta.marketplace_url | string | The URL to the marketplace. |
Blesta.demo_mode | boolean | Enables/Disables demo mode. Demo mode disables certain features. |
Blesta.default_password_reset_value | boolean | Default password reset value. Set to true for improved security, false for more accurate error reporting. |
Blesta.parser_options | array | Sets parser options DO NOT MODIFY. |
Blesta.replacement_keys | array | Sets various tags used for ID code replacement values throughout the app DO NOT MODIFY. |
Blesta.id_code_sort_mode | array | When attempting to sort by an "id_code" pseudo field, will instead sort by the given array of values in the given order. If null, will sort "id_code" as a string by itself. |
Blesta.transactions_validate_apply_round | boolean | If true will round invoice due amounts to 2 decimal places when verifying payments can be applied |
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Blesta.email_messages_per_connection | integer | The maximum number of messages to send before disconnecting/reconnecting to the mail server. |
Blesta.email_reconnect_sleep | integer | The number of seconds to wait before reconnecting to the mail server. |
Setting | Data Type | Description | ||||||||||
Blesta.hash_work | integer | Work-factor for password hashing algorithms (between 4 and 31). | ||||||||||
Blesta.max_failed_login_attempts | integer | The maximum number of failed login attempts to permit from a given IP per hour. | ||||||||||
Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords | boolean | Set to true to enable support for legacy passwords (plain md5). Set to false for improved security. | ||||||||||
Blesta.verify_csrf_token | boolean | Enable/disable automatic CSRF token verification. | ||||||||||
Blesta.csrf_bypass | array | Bypasses automatic CSRF checking for a set of controllers and actions (eg. ['client_login::index']). CSRF checking is a security feature, BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE SETTING THIS VALUE. Common Examples:
Separate exceptions with a comma. For example, if you wish to disable CSRF on the Client Login and Domain Whois pages, the route would look like this: Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", ['client_login::index', 'config::preconfig']); | ||||||||||
Blesta.system_key | string | The value used to generate the 256-bit AES key using HMAC SHA-256. NEVER MODIFY THIS VALUE OR ALL ENCRYPTED DATA WILL BE LOST! |
This file contains internationalization settings.
Setting | Data Type | Description |
i18.calling_codes | array | Country to telephone dialing code mappings. |
All routes may be defined here. Routes have the following syntax:
Router::route("foo/bar", "bar/foo");
The above route maps the "foo" controller and "bar" method to the "bar" controller and "foo" method.
Setting | Data Type | Description |
Route.admin | string | Admin panel directory name. |
Route.client | string | Client panel directory name. |