Table of Contents |
Supported Features
Create | Cancel | Suspend | Unsuspend | Management | Config Options |
YES | YES | YES | YES | NO | YES |
Installing TCAdmin
- Visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Modules] > Available.
- Click the "Install" button within the TCAdmin module listing.
A message will be displayed, indicating that the module was successfully installed. Then click the "Add Account" button.
Enter your TCAdmin details.
Field Name | Description |
Server Label | Enter the label for this server, it can be a friendly name. |
Hostname | Enter the Hostname to your TCAdmin server, e.g. |
User Name | Enter the Username to your TCAdmin server, e.g. admin |
Port | Enter the Port to your TCAdmin server, e.g. 8880 |
Use SSL when connecting to the API (recommended) | Check this option if using SSL. By default SSL is not enabled in TCAdmin. |
Password | Enter the Password to your TCAdmin server. |
Configurable Options Overview
This module supports configurable options which may be used for provisioning Game or Voice servers. Some options are required. Configurable Options override any matching Package settings.
May be Required
Certain Configurable Options are required, but this list in no way limits the Configurable Options that can be created. Only the following Configurable Options can alter the way TCAdmin game or voice servers are provisioned.
Option Name | Possible Values | Recommended Field Type | Description |
game_slots | integer >= 0 | Quantity, Dropdown | Determines how many slots will be assigned to the game server. Game Server Required This configurable option is required for game servers. |
game_private | integer = 0 or 1 | Dropdown | A value of 1 will make the game server private. Game Server Required This configurable option is required for game servers. |
game_datacenter | integer >= 1 | Dropdown | The data center ID from TCAdmin. Can be obtained within TCAdmin under Data Centers, by observing the ID of the desired data center. Game Server Required This configurable option is required for game servers. |
voice_slots | integer >= 0 | Quantity, Dropdown | Determines how many slots will be assigned to the voice server. Voice Server Required This configurable option is required for voice servers. |
voice_private | integer = 0 or 1 | Dropdown | A value of 1 will make the voice server private. Voice Server Required This configurable option is required for voice servers. |
voice_upload_quota | integer (in MB) | Dropdown | Sets the upload quota. Teamspeak 3 Only This configurable option is only required for Teamspeak 3 Voice Servers. |
voice_download_quota | integer (in MB) | Dropdown | Sets the download quota. Teamspeak 3 Only This configurable option is only required for Teamspeak 3 Voice Servers. |
voice_datacenter | integer >= 0 | Dropdown | The data center ID from TCAdmin. Can be obtained within TCAdmin under Data Centers, by observing the ID of the desired data center. Voice Server Required This configurable option is required for voice servers. |
Creating Configurable Options
The following steps describe how to create configurable options. This section describes the following:
- Creating a Configurable Option Group
- Creating Configurable Options, and assigning them to the Group (repeat this step as necessary to create all Configurable Options required)
Creating an Option Group
To create a Configurable Option Group, visit [Packages] > Options, and click the "Create Group" button.
Field Name | Description |
Name | Enter a name for this group. |
Description | Enter a description for this group (optional). |
Package Membership | Leave this section blank, we will add the options to the group when creating the options instead. If you have already created the options, you may add them to the group on this step. |
After filling out these options, click the "Create Group" button to create the Option Group.
Creating a Configurable Option
To create a Configurable Option, visit [Packages] > Options, and click the "Create Option" button.
Field Name | Description |
Label | Enter a label, which will appear above or next to this form field. |
Name | Enter a name, which is the form field name. (Important! This should match an Option Name described above. The module requires specific naming.) |
Type | Select the field type from "Checkbox", "Radio", "Drop-down", and "Quantity". |
Options Section | Set pricing information within the Options section. The fields required here may vary depending on the "Type" selected above. |
Group Membership Section | Add this Configurable Option to the previously created Option Group by moving the Group from the right to the left in the multi-select box. |
After filling out these options, click the "Create Package Option" button to create the Option. Repeat as necessary to create all of the configurable options you wish to make available to the client during checkout.
Sample Configurable Options
The following are sample configurations for each of the supported configurable options listed above, and may serve as good examples for getting started.
Option Name | Sample Configuration Screenshot (Click for full size) |
game_datacenter | |
game_slots | |
game_private | |
voice_datacenter | |
voice_slots | |
voice_private | |
voice_upload_quota | |
voice_download_quota |
Creating Packages
Packages define the pricing, welcome email, module and more. Packages can be assigned to Package Groups, and added to Order Forms. To create a Package, visit [Packages] > Browse, and click the "Create Package" button.
Creating a Package consists of several sections:
The Basic section consists of the following options:
Field Name | Description |
Package Name | Enter the name of this Package, it will be visible wherever services are listed and on any order forms. |
Status | "Active" is the default, "Inactive", and "Restricted" are also available. |
Quantity Available | If this Package has a limited quantity available, enter the quantity, or leave it as "Unlimited". |
Description | Enter a Description for this Package. HTML is allowed, and descriptions appear on order forms. |
Configurable Options | A Configurable Option Group may be selected if previously created. |
Module | Select "TCAdmin" for the module. |
Module Options
The Module Options section consists of the following options, which are specific to TCAdmin:
Field Name | Description |
Server Group | Select "Any" unless you are running many TCAdmin master nodes and have added them to separate groups within the module. |
Server | Select your TCAdmin server. |
Server Type | Select "Game Server", or "Voice Server" |
Supported Tcadmin Servers | Select the game or voice server to use for this Package. |
Start after Creation | Select "Yes" to have the server start automatically after ordered and provisioned. |
Priority | Set the priority this server will be given. "Normal", "Above Normal", "Below Normal", "High", "Idle", and "Real Time" are available options. |
Startup | Select how startup should occur, "Automatic", "Manual", or "Disable". |
Field Name | Description |
Term | Enter the term for the desired pricing option. For example, if you wish to create a 3 month pricing option, enter 3 here. |
Period | Select the period for this pricing option. "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year", and "One time" are options. The client will be invoiced every "term period", for example every 3 months if 3 is entered for term, and Month is selected for period. |
Currency | Select the currency this pricing option is available for. |
Price | Enter the price for this pricing option. |
Setup Fee | If there is a setup fee, enter it here. |
Cancellation Fee | If there is a fee to cancel early, enter it here. |
Click the "Add Additional Price" to add more pricing options. It's common for people to create 1 Month, 3 Month, 6 Month, and 1 Year price options. There are many possible combinations.
Welcome Email
The "Tags" section describes tags that may be used in the welcome email. The welcome email content is inserted into the "Service Creation" email template under [Settings] > [Company] > [Emails] > Service Creation. Only details unique to this service should be entered into the welcome email section for the package.
Sample Email
This sample email could be used in the Package Welcome Email section to help you get started. Be sure to enter content for your welcome email in both the HTML and Text sections.
Thank you for choosing us for your Game Server Hosting! Here are the details for your server: TCAdmin URL: https://{module.host_name}:{module.port} Hostname: {service.hostname} User Name: {service.user_name} Password: {service.user_password} RCON: {service.rcon_password} Private Password: {service.private_password}
When creating or editing a package that uses this module, the following tags will be available:
Tags | Description | Notes |
{module.host_name} | The host name for your TCAdmin Panel | e.g. "". |
{module.port} | The port number for your TCAdmin Panel | e.g. "8880" |
{service.hostname} | The hostname for the game server, provided by the client. | e.g. "" |
{service.rcon_password} | The RCON password for the game server, provided by the client. | |
{service.private_password} | The private password for the game server, provided by the client. | |
{service.user_name} | The user name for TCAdmin panel access for the client. | |
{service.user_password} | The password for TCAdmin panel access for the client. |
Group Membership
If this is the first Package you are creating with this module, select the "Create a New Group" option, and enter a Group name. If you are adding a subsequent Package and wish for it to be part of the same group, select "Select from Available Groups", and move the group from the right to the left of the multi-select box.
When finished, click "Create Package" to create this package.
Final Steps
The only thing left to do is to add this Package Group to an order form so clients may place orders for your TCAdmin servers. See Creating an Order Form for more details.
Q: I entered the details correctly within the module but when creating a Package, servers are not displayed. The module log shows "Object moved to".
A: The URL to your billingapi.aspx may be different. First check that your TCAdmin plan/license supports the API. The Community Edition does not have an API. If you are using that version, you will need to upgrade to a paid license. If your version does support the API, then you can try this: Edit /components/modules/tcadmin/api/tcadminapi.php and locate the following line:
api/tcadminapi.php: $url .= $this->host_name . ":" . $this->port . "/billingapi.aspx";
Change it to:
api/tcadminapi.php: $url .= $this->host_name . ":" . $this->port . "/Aspx/billingapi.aspx";
O: The supported game servers dropdown on Package creation is blank.
A: Make sure that your firewall is open, that the API URL per above is correct, and that your IP address is whitelisted. You can run this CURL command FROM your Blesta server to check connectivity. Replace with your hostname, replace 8880 with the correct port, admin with the correct admin user, and password with the correct password.
curl -X POST -d "function=getSupportedGames" -d "username=admin" -d "password=password"