Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


LabelThe display name of the form field.

The name of the input field. This is the name of the value sent in all post and email notifications, and is also used when validating input rules.


If you've set the label to Email address then you'd likely want to set the name to email_address.


The type of form field.

TextA regular text input field.
TextareaA large text area field, for inserting multiple lines of text.
PasswordA password input field, masking the user's input.
SelectA drop-down menu.
RadioA radio field.
CheckboxA checkbox field.
HiddenA hidden field not visible to the user.
SecretA field that is never rendered or stored for the package, but is sent in all post and email notifications.

RequiredIf enabled, will require that some value is given for the field.
EncryptIf enabled, will store input values encrypted in the database.
ValuesSee Values Format.
Input RulesSee Input Rules.
NotificationsSee Notifications.


LabelThe display name of the form field.

The name of the input field. This is the name of the value sent in all post and email notifications, and is also used when validating input rules.


If you've set the label to Email address then you'd likely want to set the name to email_address.


A field name of qty has special meaning. It will set the quantity recorded for the service.


The type of form field.

TextA regular text input field.
TextareaA large text area field, for inserting multiple lines of text.
PasswordA password input field, masking the user's input.
SelectA drop-down menu.
RadioA radio field.
CheckboxA checkbox field.
HiddenA hidden field not visible to the user.
SecretA field that is never rendered or stored for the service, but is sent in all post and email notifications.

RequiredIf enabled, will require that some value is given for the field.
EncryptIf enabled, will store input values encrypted in the database.
ValuesSee Values Format.
Input RulesSee Input Rules.
NotificationsSee Notifications.


Code Block
titleExample Input Rules
			"message":"Hostname must not be empty."
			"rule":["matches", "/^[a-z0-9\\$\\%\\^]{10,20}$/i"],
			"message":"Please enter a password using alphanumeric characters between 10 and 20 characters in length. You may also include special characters like '$%^'."

In the above example we're validating the hostname field using the isEmpty rule and negating it using the negate attribute. This ensures that the hostname field is not empty when submitted. If the rule validation fails (hostname is empty) the message we defined using the message attribute will be displayed to the user. We are also validating the password field at the same time using the matches rule, which evaluates a given regular expression. This rule requires that the password contain between 10 and 20 characters, inclusive, all of which must be characters of any combination from A through Z, upper or lower case, and the digits 0 through 9.


Notifications allow the universal module to post to a given URL or email a given address when a certain action occurs.

Image Removed

Package Option Notifications

, and the special characters $, %, and ^.

Note that special character literals like $, %, and ^ should be escaped where appropriate in the regular expression via double backslashes. Additionally, so should special characters in JSON format, like quotes (") and back slashes (\)themselves. Creating invalid JSON will cause all fields to pass validation because the JSON cannot be parsed to retrieve the rules. Creating invalid regular expressions will cause unexpected behavior.


Notifications allow the universal module to post to a given URL or email a given address when a certain action occurs.

Image Added

Package Option Notifications

Package option notifications are executed when an action is performed on the package.


The action triggers the notification.

AddExecuted when a package is created.
EditExecuted when a package is updated.

Post URL/EmailThe URL to post to, or the email address to email, when the notice is triggered
HTTP CodeThe HTTP Response Code returned by the URL that signifies a successful transmission.
Response ContainsSome portion of the output returned by the URL that signifies a successful transmission. This can be used separately, or in conjunction with the HTTP Code for more refined control over successful responses.
From EmailThe address to send email notifications from.
SubjectThe subject of the email notification.
HTML/TextThe HTML and Text body content for the email notification.



The action triggers the notification.

AddExecuted when a service is created.
EditExecuted when a service is updated.
SuspendExecuted when a service is suspended.
UnsuspendExecuted when a service is unsuspended.
CancelExecuted when a service is canceled.
RenewExecuted when a service is renewed. That is, the invoice generated for the service renewal is paid.
Package ChangeExecuted when the package is changed for the service.

Post URL/EmailThe URL to post to, or the email address to email, when the notice is triggered
HTTP CodeThe HTTP Response Code returned by the URL that signifies a successful transmission.
Response ContainsSome portion of the output returned by the URL that signifies a successful transmission. This can be used separately, or in conjunction with the HTTP Code for more refined control over successful responses.
From EmailThe address to send email notifications from.
SubjectThe subject of the email notification.
HTML/TextThe HTML and Text body content for the email notification.


titleAdditional Tags

Due to the nature of tag objects containing several fields, many of which are likely irrelevant for use in email templates, but may be useful to you in certain circumstances, a dump of the tags are shown below.

Code Block
titleThe {service} object
stdClass Object
        [id] => 234
        [parent_service_id] => 
        [package_group_id] => 1
        [id_format] => PD-{num}
        [id_value] => 229
        [pricing_id] => 22
        [client_id] => 3
        [module_row_id] => 6
        [coupon_id] => 
        [qty] => 1
        [status] => in_review
        [date_added] => 2013-05-13 18:33:14
        [date_renews] => 2013-06-13 18:33:14
        [date_last_renewed] => 
        [date_suspended] => 
        [date_canceled] => 
        [id_code] => PD-229
        [fields] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [key] => cpanel_confirm_password
                        [value] => password
                        [serialized] => 0
                        [encrypted] => 1
                [1] => stdClass Object
                        [key] => cpanel_domain
                        [value] =>
                        [serialized] => 0
                        [encrypted] => 0
                [2] => stdClass Object
                        [key] => cpanel_password
                        [value] => password
                        [serialized] => 0
                        [encrypted] => 1
                [3] => stdClass Object
                        [key] => cpanel_username
                        [value] => domainco
                        [serialized] => 0
                        [encrypted] => 0
        [package_pricing] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 22
                [package_id] => 13
                [term] => 1
                [period] => month
                [price] => 8.0000
                [setup_fee] => 0.0000
                [cancel_fee] => 0.0000
                [currency] => USD
        [package] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 13
                [id_format] => {num}
                [id_value] => 1
                [module_id] => 4
                [name] => Bronze Standard
                [description] => 
                [description_html] => <p>
	<span style="color:#008000;"><em>Good Value!</em></span></p>
                [qty] => 
                [module_row] => 6
                [module_group] => 
                [taxable] => 0
                [status] => active
                [company_id] => 1
        [name] =>
        [coupon] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 2
                [code] => knW3Lesn
                [company_id] => 1
                [used_qty] => 16
                [max_qty] => 0
                [start_date] => 2017-02-02 08:00:00
                [end_date] => 2018-02-03 07:59:59
                [status] => active
                [recurring] => 0
                [limit_recurring] => 0
                [apply_package_options] => 1
                [internal_use_only] => 0
                [type] => exclusive
                [amounts] => Array
                        [0] => stdClass Object
                                [coupon_id] => 2
                                [currency] => USD
                                [amount] => 5.0000
                                [type] => amount
                [packages] => Array
                        [0] => stdClass Object
                                [coupon_id] => 2
                                [package_id] => 80

Code Block
titleThe {package} object
stdClass Object
        [id] => '94'
        [id_format] => '{num}'
        [id_value] => '92'
        [module_id] => '2'
        [name] => 'Test Universal Package'
        [description] => 'A test package for the universal module.'
        [description_html] => '<p>A test package for the Universal Module.</p>'
        [qty] => null
        [module_row] => '1'
        [module_group] => null
        [taxable] => '1'
        [single_term] => '0'
        [status] => 'active'
        [company_id] => '1'
        [prorata_day] => null
        [prorata_cutoff] => null
        [id_code] => '92'
        [email_content] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [lang] => 'en_us'
                        [html] => '<p>Welcome email for the Universal Module.</p>'
                        [text] => 'Welcome email for the Universal Module.'
        [pricing] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [id] => '628'
                        [pricing_id] => '875'
                        [package_id] => '94'
                        [term] => '1'
                        [period] => 'month'
                        [price] => '2500.0000'
                        [setup_fee] => '0.0000'
                        [cancel_fee] => '0.0000'
                        [currency] => 'USD'
        [meta] => stdClass Object
        [groups] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [id] => '10'
                        [name] => 'Test Universal Package Group'
                        [description] => null
                        [type] => 'standard'
                        [company_id] => '1'
                        [allow_upgrades] => '1'
        [option_groups] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [id] => '26'
                        [name] => 'Test Universal Option Group'
                        [description] => 'A list of options'

Client Service Info

Client Service Info renders the information shown in the expandable area and on the Information tab when clicking to manage the service within the client area when clicking on the service row.

Example Code (Replace tags with appropriate service or package tags. In this example, we have service fields called vpnuser, vpnpass, vpnhost)

Code Block
	<div class="table-responsive">
	<table class="table table-curved table-striped">
			<th>VPN USer</th>
			<th>VPN Pass</th>
			<th>VPN Host</th>
			<td>Login at <a href="https://{service.fields.vpnhost}">{service.fields.vpnhost}</a></td>

Admin Service Info

Admin Service Info renders the information shown in the expandable area within the client profile when clicking on the service row in the admin area.

Example Code (Replace tags with appropriate service or package tags. In this example, we have service fields called vpnuser, vpnpass, vpnhost)

Code Block
	<table class="table">
		<tbody><tr class="heading_row">
			<td class="border_left">VPN USer</td>
			<td>VPN Pass</td>
			<td>VPN Host</td>
			<td>Login at <a href="https://{service.fields.vpnhost}">{service.fields.vpnhost}</a></td>

Creating Packages

titleEmail Tags

 Universal Module product service field names are used for the email tag. For example, a service field with the name "hostname" would result in a tag available to the welcome email of {service.hostname}. Universal module products are unique in this regard because each product may have different tags, defined by the staff member who created them.
