If importing from your live WHMCS installation, stop the cron job for WHMCS, put the installation into maintenance mode, and back up all files and the database.

If you prefer, you can create a copy of your WHMCS database and import from that instead of your live system.

Importing from WHMCS

Preparing WHMCS (If importing from your live WHMCS installation)

  1. Make sure you have completed the Initial Steps for Migrating to Blesta.
  2. Stop the cron job running for your WHMCS installation.
  3. Put WHMCS into maintenance mode to prevent client logins by visiting [Setup] > [General Settings] > [General].
  4. Back up your WHMCS files. You can do this via an FTP program, or via a shell by running: zip -r backup.zip /path/to/installation/*
  5. Back up your WHMCS database. You can do this through a database manager like PHPMyAdmin using the "Export" feature, or with the mysqldump shell command by running: mysqldump -u database_username -p database_name > backup.sql and entering your database password when prompted.

Performing the Import

  1. Visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Plugins] > Installed and click "Manage" for the Import Manager.
  2. Click the "5.2" link next to the platform WHMCS.
  3. Fill out all of the requested fields
    1. Database Host: Enter your WHMCS database server name. If MySQL is running on the same server, use localhost
    2. Database Name: Enter the name of your WHMCS database.
    3. Database User: Enter the user name for your WHMCS database.
    4. Database Password: Enter the password associated with your WHMCS database user.
    5. CC Encryption Hash: Enter the CC Encryption Hash as found in your WHMCS configuration.php. This is required in order to decrypt encrypted data stored in your WHMCS installation.
  4. Double check that the data is all correct, and click the "Continue" button.
  5. You will be prompted to allow the importer to import your packages into Blesta, or match them up. It's recommended that you go with the default setting and import the packages, however, advanced users may wish to create their packages in Blesta first and match them up.
  6. Submit the form to start the import.

Importing your data can take several minutes or more, please be patient. When the importer has finished, it will display a green success message.

Enabling Legacy Passwords

In order for clients to log into Blesta after being imported, you must enable legacy passwords in Blesta. When a client logs in, their password will be converted automatically to a more secure hash.

To enable support for these passwords edit the /config/blesta.php configuration file within your Blesta installation and change

Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", false);


Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", true);

Then save the file. After a sufficient amount of time has passed, you may change this setting back.

Return to complete the Final Steps.