Release Date2023-05-23

Getting issues...



End of Life Date2024-05-23
Table of Contents


This is a feature release for 5.7.0. This page will be updated to include tasks completed in subsequent betas as well as the final release.

Important highlights from this release

  1. A new Quotation system has been added.
  2. Added the ConnectReseller domain registrar module.
  3. Added the Coinbase Commerce payment gateway.
  4. Added LXC container support for Proxmox.
  5. Order plugin now includes an Orders widget on client profile pages.
  6. Domain Manager was updated to allow domains to be pushed from one client to another.
  7. Domain Manager was updated to improve admin renewal of domains in advance.
  8. Import Manager now imports WHMCS domains using the Generic Domain module as a fallback.
  9. Import Manager now includes a mapping file for CentovaCast for WHMCS.
  10. Enom was updated to use the actual TLD cost as the basis for price syncs.
  11. Added a new "Renewal Queue" section under Tools for service renewal management.
  12. Voiding an invoice that has pending services associated with it now shows a confirmation dialog.
  13. Swift Mailer has been replaced with Symfony Mailer.
  14. Improved PHP 8.1 support.
  15. Much more...

Developer Notes for Blesta 5.7

  1. Service activation events Services.addAfter and Services.editAfter now include a service_activated boolean flag. See the task.
  2. If you haven't already, we recommend updating your extensions to work with PHP 8.0/8.1.


We recommend exercising caution when using PHP 8 for production use. Many 3rd party or custom extensions may not yet be compatible with PHP 8.

Blesta supports PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1 through Ioncube using the default files, and PHP 8.0/8.1 through SourceGuardian via the hotfix-php8 directory. 

Domain Registrar Modules

Reminder: Registrar modules should define their type in config.json as: "type": "registrar",

Hotfix Notice

Hotfix Notice

Blesta no longer supports versions older than PHP 7.2, so there is no longer a need to ship hotfixes for those versions. A hotfix is included for PHP 8.0/8.1 for Source Guardian, but no hotfix is needed for PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 8.1 when using Ioncube.


Total: 39 . Chart by: Issue Type
Total: 39 . Chart by: Priority

All updates for this release (May be limited to first 200)


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