About Multicraft

Multicraft is a popular and widely used Minecraft server control panel. Learn more about Multicraft on their website at http://www.multicraft.org/.

Supported Features

CreateCancelSuspendUnsuspendManagementConfig Options

Management Features

This module supports the following management features within the client area:

  • View Server Status
  • Restart Minecraft Server
  • Stop Minecraft Server
  • Start Minecraft Server
  • Set Server to Day Time
  • Set Server to Night Time
  • Set Server Name
  • View Connected Players
  • Kick Players
  • Server Console
  • Log in to Multicraft


Installing Multicraft

To install the Multicraft module, visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Modules] > Available, and click the "Install" button for Multicraft.

A message will be displayed, indicating that the module was successfully installed. Then click the "Add Server" button.

Enter the details for your Multicraft master server.

Field NameDescription
Server LabelEnter a label for this Multicraft master server, it can be anything you like.
Panel URLEnter the full URL to your Multicraft Panel, ie "http://multicraft.mydomain.com/". This is where you login.
Panel API URLEnter the full path to your api.php, usually the Panel URL with /api.php appended, ie "http://multicraft.mydomain.com/api.php".
UsernameEnter your Multicraft username.
API KeyEnter the API key for Multicraft. This can be found in Multicraft under Users, by clicking on your username.
Log All API RequestsIt's recommended that this remain unchecked as management features make frequent API calls. Enable for debugging.
Dedicated IP Addresses

You can add dedicated IP addresses here (optional), just fill out the following

  • Daemon ID - The Daemon ID for your multicraft server this IP is attached to.
  • IP Address - The dedicated IP address available to this Daemon ID.
  • In Use - Select No if the IP is not currently in use, Yes if it is. As IP's are pulled from this pool, they will be marked as in use.

After filling out these options, click "Add Server" to add your Multicraft master server.

Most people will only have 1 Multicraft master server listed here. By specifying the Daemon ID via a configurable option, you can set which server Minecraft servers will be created on.

Configurable Options Overview

This module supports configurable options which may alter the provisioning of Minecraft servers. Configurable Options override Package settings.

Not Required

Configurable Options are not required, and this list in no way limits the Configurable Options that can be created. However, only the following Configurable Options can alter the way Minecraft servers are provisioned.

Option NamePossible ValuesRecommended Field TypeDescription
user_players0, 1CheckboxDetermines whether the owner can set the number of player slots themselves in Multicraft. 1 for yes.
playersinteger >= 1Quantity, DropdownSets the number of player slots, overriding the package value.
memoryinteger >= 0Quantity, DropdownSets the amount of memory for the server in MB (Megabytes), overriding the package value.
daemon_idinteger >= 1 (comma separated list accepted)DropdownSets the Daemon ID to use for the server, overrides the package value. Useful for offering servers in different locations, ie "Los Angeles", "Dallas", "Miami" which correlate to Daemon ID's in those locations. To add multiple Daemon ID's for the same location, separate them with a comma, ie "1,4,7".
dedicated_ip0, 1CheckboxIf 1, attempt to use one of the IP Addresses set for the module. If none are available, the server will default to the main IP.
jarfile???DropdownThe jarfile to use for the Minecraft server. A value of "default" will use the default Minecraft server. Otherwise, enter the jar file name for the server, ie "craftbukkit.jar".

Creating Configurable Options

The following steps describe how to create configurable options. This section describes the following:

  1. Creating a Configurable Option Group
  2. Creating Configurable Options, and assigning them to the Group (repeat this step as necessary to create all Configurable Options required)

Creating an Option Group

To create a Configurable Option Group, visit [Packages] > Options, and click the "Create Group" button.

Field NameDescription
NameEnter a name for this group.
DescriptionEnter a description for this group (optional).
Package MembershipLeave this section blank, we will add the options to the group when creating the options instead. If you have already created the options, you may add them to the group on this step.

After filling out these options, click the "Create Group" button to create the Option Group.

Creating a Configurable Option

To create a Configurable Option, visit [Packages] > Options, and click the "Create Option" button.

Field NameDescription
LabelEnter a label, which will appear above or next to this form field.
NameEnter a name, which is the form field name. (Important! This should match an Option Name described above. The module requires specific naming.)
TypeSelect the field type from "Checkbox", "Radio", "Drop-down", and "Quantity".
Options SectionSet pricing information within the Options section. The fields required here may vary depending on the "Type" selected above.
Group Membership SectionAdd this Configurable Option to the previously created Option Group by moving the Group from the right to the left in the multi-select box.

After filling out these options, click the "Create Package Option" button to create the Option. Repeat as necessary to create all of the configurable options you wish to make available to the client during checkout.

Sample Configurable Options

The following are sample configurations for each of the supported configurable options listed above, and may serve as good examples for getting started.

Option NameSample Configuration Screenshot (Click for full size)

Creating Packages

Packages define the pricing, welcome email, module and more. Packages can be assigned to Package Groups, and added to Order Forms. To create a Package, visit [Packages] > Browse, and click the "Create Package" button.

Creating a Package consists of several sections:


The Basic section consists of the following options:

Field NameDescription
Package NameEnter the name of this Package, it will be visible wherever services are listed and on any order forms.
Status"Active" is the default, "Inactive", and "Restricted" are also available.
Quantity AvailableIf this Package has a limited quantity available, enter the quantity, or leave it as "Unlimited".
DescriptionEnter a Description for this Package. HTML is allowed, and descriptions appear on order forms.
Configurable OptionsSelect the Configurable Option Group you created previously, to make those options available for this package.
ModuleSelect "Multicraft" for the module.

Module Options

The Module Options section consists of the following options, which are specific to Multicraft:

Field NameDescription
ServerSelect your Multicraft master server.
Server NameEnter the default server name for Minecraft servers provisioned with this package.
Player SlotsEnter the number of player slots for this server. (Note that this can be overridden with a configurable option)
Server RAMEnter the amount of memory to allocate to this server. (Note that this can be overridden with a configurable option)
JAR FileEnter the jar file to be used, leave blank to use the default. (Note that this can be overridden with a configurable option)
Look for JARs in the following directorySelect the location for where Multicraft will look for JARs. The Daemon JAR directory should be used if you are unsure.
Owner Selectable JARAllow the server owner to change the JAR.
Owner Can Set NameAllow the server owner to set and change the server name. (Note! If selected, a text field will be displayed during checkout where clients may set the server name when ordered. Additionally, clients will be able to change the name from the client area.)
Owner Can Schedule TasksAllow the server owner to create scheduled tasks and change the autosave setting within Multicraft.
Owner Can Manage FTPAllow the server owner to give FTP access to other users within Multicraft.
Owner Can Set VisibilityAllow the server owner to change the server visibility and the Default Role.
Default RoleSelect which role players will be assigned when they first connect to the server. Use "No Access" for white-listing.
Start ServerAutomatically starts the server when Multicraft restarts (recommended).
Create FTP AccountAutomatically create an FTP account when the server is provisioned.
Server VisibilitySets the visibility of the server in the Multicraft server list.


Field NameDescription
TermEnter the term for the desired pricing option. For example, if you wish to create a 3 month pricing option, enter 3 here.
PeriodSelect the period for this pricing option. "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year", and "One time" are options. The client will be invoiced every "term period", for example every 3 months if 3 is entered for term, and Month is selected for period.
CurrencySelect the currency this pricing option is available for.
PriceEnter the price for this pricing option.
Setup FeeIf there is a setup fee, enter it here.
Cancellation FeeIf there is a fee to cancel early, enter it here.

Click the "Add Additional Price" to add more pricing options. It's common for people to create 1 Month, 3 Month, 6 Month, and 1 Year price options. There are many possible combinations.

Welcome Email

The "Tags" section describes tags that may be used in the welcome email. The welcome email content is inserted into the "Service Creation" email template under [Settings] > [Company] > [Emails] > Service Creation. Only details unique to this service should be entered into the welcome email section for the package.

Sample Email

This sample email could be used in the Package Welcome Email section to help you get started. Be sure to enter content for your welcome email in both the HTML and Text sections.

Thanks for choosing us for your Minecraft Server!

Your server is now active and you can manage it through our client area by clicking the "Manage" button next to the server on your Dashboard.

Here are more details regarding your server:

Server Name: {service.multicraft_server_name}
Server Address: {service.multicraft_ip}:{service.multicraft_port}

You may also log into Multicraft to manage your server:

Multicraft URL: {module.panel_url}
User: {service.multicraft_login_username}
Pass: {service.multicraft_login_password}
Thank you for your business!

Blesta creates the Multicraft login when the clients first Multicraft server is provisioned. On subsequent server purchases, the server is added to the existing Multicraft user. You can use the following code instead for the User and Pass, which will display it in the email only the first time. This will prevent emails from going out with blank credentials.

{% if service.multicraft_login_username %}
Login with
User: {service.multicraft_login_username}
Pass: {service.multicraft_login_password}
{% else %}
Login using your existing Multicraft account credentials.
{% endif %}


Group Membership

If this is the first Package you are creating with this module, select the "Create a New Group" option, and enter a Group name. If you are adding a subsequent Package and wish for it to be part of the same group, select "Select from Available Groups", and move the group from the right to the left of the multi-select box.

When finished, click "Create Package" to create this package.

Setting the Server IP

Before a Minecraft server can be started in Multicraft, proper Multicraft configuration is required. You may need to ensure your Multicraft configuration file (e.g. /home/minecraft/multicraft/multicraft.conf) has the correct IP address set. The home address ( may need to be replaced with the server's IP address, and a password should be set.

ip =
password = my_password

If the password is changed, the configuration file (e.g. /var/www/html/multicraft/protected/config/config.php) will need to be updated to reflect this change by setting the daemon_password to the same password set in multicraft.conf.

'daemon_password' => 'my_password',

And finally, the Multicraft server must be restarted before these changes take effect.

/home/minecraft/multicraft/bin/multicraft -v stop
/home/minecraft/multicraft/bin/multicraft -v start

The paths to Multicraft and the configuration files may vary.

Final Steps

The only thing left to do is to add this Package Group to an order form so clients may place orders for your Multicraft servers. See Creating an Order Form for more details.

  • No labels