Blesta supports additional languages and allows you and your clients to specify their preferred language. Multi-language support extends to the admin and client interfaces, email templates, modules, and more.
Did you know?
Blesta now ships with many languages, right out of the box. For languages not included with Blesta, there is a language translation utility is provided at This project is intended to facilitate the crowd sourced translation of Blesta into languages not supported out of the box. Participation is highly encouraged. You can also download community-translated language packs from this translator.
Installing Languages
To install a language pack, you will need to:
- Unzip the contents of the language zip you downloaded (assuming you downloaded it from the Blesta Translator);
- Upload the contents of /public_html/ from the zip to the web directory that you have Blesta installed under (e.g. /public_html/ or /billing/).
- Log into Blesta and navigate to [Settings] -> [General] -> [Internationalization] and click Install to install the language.
- (optional) If you would like to use this language as your company's default language, navigate to [Settings] -> [General] -> [Localization] and select it from the Default Language drop-down. Don't forget to save this change.
Due to caching in Blesta, the primary navigation will not appear to be using the new default language when you change it. You must one of two things for this to take effect. The first is to re-save your Staff Group settings under [Settings] -> [System] -> [Staff] -> [Staff Groups] by editing your staff group and clicking to save your settings. The second is for the staff member to re-save their information under [My Info].
The default font dejavusanscondensed does not support all languages. Visit Settings > Company > Billing/Payment > Invoice Customization, and under Look and Feel, change the Font Family used for each language individually. Languages such as Chinese do render correctly with dejavusanscondensed, however, a font like kozminproregular will work. We recommend testing invoices in each language you install to ensure they render properly using the font selected.
What happens when I use a language that is not completely translated?
If you install and use a language whose definitions are only partially complete, the remaining definitions will appear in your default language.