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The dashboard is the main page for staff members, and may be customized to their liking. The dashboard supports various layouts and allows plugins to offer custom functionality through the use of widgets. Staff members with access to multiple companies may customize each of their company dashboards independently of each other. This allows the staff member to take on a unique role at each respective company and view information that is most relevant to them.
The dashboard can be changed in several ways:
Customize Dashboard
The "Customize Dashboard" link on the left hand side, below the calendar, allows a layout to be selected for widgets. Clicking this link will open the following dialog box, allowing for one of four layouts to be selected. The selected layout applies to the authenticated staff member for the selected company. A staff member belonging to multiple companies may customize each company dashboard differently..
Manage Widgets
The "Manage Widgets" link on the left hand side, below the calendar, allows for the selection of widgets that will appear on the dashboard. Clicking this link will open the following dialog box, allowing installed plugins that are widgets or which have a widget component to become available. Widgets that are on the dashboard will appear on the left, and those that are available on the right. Dragging a widget from right to left, or left to right will add the widget to the dashboard, or remove it, respectively.
Widgets on the dashboard can be re-arranged by drag-n-drop. To move a widget, click and hold the top bar of the widget and drag it to the new location.