is a domain registrar.

Table of Contents

Registrar Module Features

RegisterRenewTransferDNS ManagementEmail ForwardingID ProtectionEPP CodePricing Import

*Orange statuses mean that the feature is supported but not controlled through the Domain Manager

Installing OVH Domains

  1. Visit [Packages] > [Domain Options] > [TLDs] > Registrars.
  2. Click the "Install" button within the module listing.

API KeyEnter the API Key provided by InternetBS.
PassworrdYour account password
SandboxCheck this box to enable Sandbox mode.

To get your API Key please go to My Account > Get my API Key.

Enabling TLDs

Firstly, change the module for the default TLDs (.org, .net, .com) to set them to, on the dropdown simply select

Afterwards, enable the TLDs, tick the boxes and at the bottom change status to Enable and hit submit.

Importing TLDs

On the left hand side, select Import TLDs, you will be presented with the following:

Select from the modules, feel free to configutre the settings for price markups, etc.

Select the TLDs to import over, you'll see something like this:

Creating Packages

Welcome Email

The "Tags" section describes tags that may be used in the welcome email. The welcome email content is inserted into the "Service Creation" email template under [Settings] > [Company] > [Emails] > Service Creation. Only details unique to this service should be entered into the welcome email section for the package.

Sample Email

This sample email could be used in the Package Welcome Email section to help you get started. Be sure to enter content for your welcome email in both the HTML and Text sections.

Your new domain is being processed and will be registered soon!

Domain: {service.domain}

Thank you for your business!