The Support Manager provides a ticket system where clients and staff can create tickets through email and the web interface.

Table of Contents


The Support Manager is a support plugin included with Blesta. It may be installed under [Settings] > [Company] > [Plugins], but is not installed by default. It integrates a ticket system and knowledgebase to allow for clients to request support.

The Support Manager requires the MailParse PHP extension in order to parse tickets sent in through email. If tickets will be accepted via email, this PHP extension must be installed. MailParse can typically be installed via root SSH access by running "pecl install mailparse". If using cPanel/WHM, PECL extensions can be installed through WHM, see


The support plugin ties into the following areas.

  1. Staff Area
    1. New "Support" primary navigation tab.
    2. Client Profile page, new "Actions" box link "Open Ticket".
    3. Client Profile page, new "Tickets" widget.
    4. Company Settings, Automation,  new "Download Tickets" task.
    5. New option "Ticket Search" in primary search box.
  2. Client Area
    1. New "Support" navigation link.

Support Emails

Support related email templates can be found under [Settings] > [Company] > [Emails] > Email Templates, in the section labeled "Plugin Templates".

Ticket Bounce

The ticket bounce email template does not support any tags.

Ticket Received

The ticket received email template allows for the following tags:

{ticket_hash_code}A hash code for validating ticket repliesRequired to be in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email 


The system-level ticket ID  
{ticket.code}The ticket numbere.g. "1821914" 
{ticket.department_id}The system-level department ID of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member assigned to this ticketMay be empty 
{ticket.service_id}The system-level service ID of the service this ticket is in relation toMay be empty 
{ticket.client_id}The system-level client ID of the client this ticket is assigned to  
{}The email address the ticket was emailed in fromOnly set when the email address is piped in and unrecognized 
{ticket.summary}A brief ticket summary  
{ticket.priority}The system-level ticket prioritye.g. "critical", "high", "medium", etc. 
{ticket.priority_language}The language for the translated ticket prioritye.g. "Critical", "High", "Medium", etc. 
{ticket.status}The system-level ticket statuse.g. "open", "awaiting_reply", "closed", etc. 
{ticket.status_language}The language for the translated ticket statuse.g. "Open", "Awaiting Reply", "Closed", etc. 
{ticket.date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creationFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.date_closed}The UTC datetime stamp the ticket was closedMay be empty. Formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.reply_id}The system-level reply ID attached to this ticket  
{ticket.reply_staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member that sent this reply  
{ticket.reply_type}The system-level type of replyi.e. "reply", "note", "log". Emails are only sent when the type is "reply" 
{ticket.reply_has_attachments}Whether or not this specific reply has any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.has_attachments}Whether or not any replies to this ticket have any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.details}The ticket reply details in plain text  
{ticket.details_html}The ticket reply details in HTML  
{ticket.reply_date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of the replyFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.company_id}The system-level company ID this ticket was created under  
{ticket.department_name}The name of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.department_email}The email address of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.override_from_email}Whether or not the email template's from address has been replaced with the department emaili.e. "1" or "0"v1.6.0
{ticket.reply_by}The system-level type indicating where the ticket reply came fromi.e. "staff", "client", or "email" 


Ticket Updated

The ticket updated email template alows for the following tags:

{update_ticket_url}The URL for a client to visit to reply to this ticket  
{ticket_hash_code}A hash code for validating ticket repliesRequired to be in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email 


The system-level ticket ID  
{ticket.code}The ticket numbere.g. "1821914" 
{ticket.department_id}The system-level department ID of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member assigned to this ticketMay be empty 
{ticket.service_id}The system-level service ID of the service this ticket is in relation toMay be empty 
{ticket.client_id}The system-level client ID of the client this ticket is assigned to  
{}The email address the ticket was emailed in fromOnly set when the email address is piped in and unrecognized 
{ticket.summary}A brief ticket summary  
{ticket.priority}The system-level ticket prioritye.g. "critical", "high", "medium", etc. 
{ticket.priority_language}The language for the translated ticket prioritye.g. "Critical", "High", "Medium", etc. 
{ticket.status}The system-level ticket statuse.g. "open", "awaiting_reply", "closed", etc. 
{ticket.status_language}The language for the translated ticket statuse.g. "Open", "Awaiting Reply", "Closed", etc. 
{ticket.date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creationFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.date_closed}The UTC datetime stamp the ticket was closedMay be empty. Formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.reply_id}The system-level reply ID attached to this ticket  
{ticket.reply_staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member that sent this reply  
{ticket.reply_type}The system-level type of replyi.e. "reply", "note", "log". Emails are only sent when the type is "reply" 
{ticket.reply_has_attachments}Whether or not this specific reply has any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.has_attachments}Whether or not any replies to this ticket have any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.details}The ticket reply details in plain text  
{ticket.details_html}The ticket reply details in HTML  
{ticket.reply_date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of the replyFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.company_id}The system-level company ID this ticket was created under  
{ticket.department_name}The name of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.department_email}The email address of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.override_from_email}Whether or not the email template's from address has been replaced with the department emaili.e. "1" or "0"v1.6.0
{ticket.reply_by}The system-level type indicating where the ticket reply came fromi.e. "staff", "client", or "email" 


Staff Ticket Assigned

This email is sent to a staff member when a ticket has been assigned to them. This email template was made available in v2.6.0 of the plugin. The following tags are supported:



The system-level ticket ID  
{ticket.code}The ticket numbere.g. "1821914" 
{ticket.department_id}The system-level department ID of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member assigned to this ticketMay be empty 
{ticket.service_id}The system-level service ID of the service this ticket is in relation toMay be empty 
{ticket.client_id}The system-level client ID of the client this ticket is assigned to  
{}The email address the ticket was emailed in fromOnly set when the email address is piped in and unrecognized 
{ticket.summary}A brief ticket summary  
{ticket.priority}The system-level ticket prioritye.g. "critical", "high", "medium", etc. 
{ticket.priority_language}The language for the translated ticket prioritye.g. "Critical", "High", "Medium", etc. 
{ticket.status}The system-level ticket statuse.g. "open", "awaiting_reply", "closed", etc. 
{ticket.status_language}The language for the translated ticket statuse.g. "Open", "Awaiting Reply", "Closed", etc. 
{ticket.date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creationFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.date_closed}The UTC datetime stamp the ticket was closedMay be empty. Formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.last_reply_date}The UTC datetime stamp of the last ticket replyFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.last_reply_staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member from the last replyMay be empty. Only set when {ticket.last_reply_by} is 'staff' 
{ticket.department_name}The name of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.company_id}The system-level company ID this ticket was created under  
{ticket.assigned_staff_first_name}The first name of the staff member assigned to this ticket  
{ticket.assigned_staff_last_name}The last name of the staff member assigned to this ticket  
{ticket.last_reply_by}The system-level type indicating where the ticket reply came fromi.e. "staff", "client", or "email" 
{ticket.last_reply_first_name}The first name of the user that last replied to the ticketMay be a client or staff user 
{ticket.last_reply_last_name}The last name of the user that last replied to the ticketMay be a client or staff user 
{ticket.last_reply_email}The email address the last reply came fromOnly set when {ticket.last_reply_by} is 'email' 
{}The system-level ID of the staff member this ticket is now assigned to  
{staff.first_name}The first name of the staff member assigned to this ticket  


The last name of the staff member assigned to this ticket  

Due to the nature of tag objects containing several fields, many of which are likely irrelevant for use in email templates, but may be useful to you in certain circumstances, an example dump of the {staff} tag object is shown below.

stdClass Object
        [id] => 2
        [user_id] => 3
        [first_name] => First
        [last_name] => Last
        [email] =>
        [email_mobile] => 
        [status] => active
        [username] =>
        [two_factor_mode] => none
        [two_factor_key] => 6017d177a590b9cf0c04806e3634566a8f00190f
        [two_factor_pin] => 
        [groups] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [id] => 1
                        [company_id] => 1
                        [name] => Administrators
        [notices] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [staff_group_id] => 1
                        [staff_id] => 1
                        [action] => payment_ach_approved


Staff Ticket Updated

The ticket received email template allows for the following tags:

{ticket_hash_code}A hash code for validating ticket repliesRequired to be in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email 


The system-level ticket ID  
{ticket.code}The ticket numbere.g. "1821914" 
{ticket.department_id}The system-level department ID of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member assigned to this ticketMay be empty 
{ticket.service_id}The system-level service ID of the service this ticket is in relation toMay be empty 
{ticket.client_id}The system-level client ID of the client this ticket is assigned to  
{}The email address the ticket was emailed in fromOnly set when the email address is piped in and unrecognized 
{ticket.summary}A brief ticket summary  
{ticket.priority}The system-level ticket prioritye.g. "critical", "high", "medium", etc. 
{ticket.priority_language}The language for the translated ticket prioritye.g. "Critical", "High", "Medium", etc. 
{ticket.status}The system-level ticket statuse.g. "open", "awaiting_reply", "closed", etc. 
{ticket.status_language}The language for the translated ticket statuse.g. "Open", "Awaiting Reply", "Closed", etc. 
{ticket.date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creationFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.date_closed}The UTC datetime stamp the ticket was closedMay be empty. Formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.reply_id}The system-level reply ID attached to this ticket  
{ticket.reply_staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member that sent this reply  
{ticket.reply_type}The system-level type of replyi.e. "reply", "note", "log". Emails are only sent when the type is "reply" 
{ticket.reply_has_attachments}Whether or not this specific reply has any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.has_attachments}Whether or not any replies to this ticket have any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.details}The ticket reply details in plain text  
{ticket.details_html}The ticket reply details in HTML  
{ticket.reply_date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of the replyFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.company_id}The system-level company ID this ticket was created under  
{ticket.department_name}The name of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.department_email}The email address of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.override_from_email}Whether or not the email template's from address has been replaced with the department emaili.e. "1" or "0"v1.6.0
{ticket.reply_by}The system-level type indicating where the ticket reply came fromi.e. "staff", "client", or "email" 


Staff Ticket Updated (Mobile)

The ticket received (mobile) email template allows for the following tags:

{ticket_hash_code}A hash code for validating ticket repliesRequired to be in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email 


The system-level ticket ID  
{ticket.code}The ticket numbere.g. "1821914" 
{ticket.department_id}The system-level department ID of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member assigned to this ticketMay be empty 
{ticket.service_id}The system-level service ID of the service this ticket is in relation toMay be empty 
{ticket.client_id}The system-level client ID of the client this ticket is assigned to  
{}The email address the ticket was emailed in fromOnly set when the email address is piped in and unrecognized 
{ticket.summary}A brief ticket summary  
{ticket.priority}The system-level ticket prioritye.g. "critical", "high", "medium", etc. 
{ticket.priority_language}The language for the translated ticket prioritye.g. "Critical", "High", "Medium", etc. 
{ticket.status}The system-level ticket statuse.g. "open", "awaiting_reply", "closed", etc. 
{ticket.status_language}The language for the translated ticket statuse.g. "Open", "Awaiting Reply", "Closed", etc. 
{ticket.date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creationFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.date_closed}The UTC datetime stamp the ticket was closedMay be empty. Formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.reply_id}The system-level reply ID attached to this ticket  
{ticket.reply_staff_id}The system-level staff ID of the staff member that sent this reply  
{ticket.reply_type}The system-level type of replyi.e. "reply", "note", "log". Emails are only sent when the type is "reply" 
{ticket.reply_has_attachments}Whether or not this specific reply has any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.has_attachments}Whether or not any replies to this ticket have any attachments v2.3.0
{ticket.details}The ticket reply details in plain text  
{ticket.details_html}The ticket reply details in HTML  
{ticket.reply_date_added}The UTC datetime stamp of the replyFormatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
{ticket.company_id}The system-level company ID this ticket was created under  
{ticket.department_name}The name of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.department_email}The email address of the department this ticket belongs to  
{ticket.override_from_email}Whether or not the email template's from address has been replaced with the department emaili.e. "1" or "0"v1.6.0
{ticket.reply_by}The system-level type indicating where the ticket reply came fromi.e. "staff", "client", or "email" 


When selecting POP or IMAP for email handling, be sure to select the proper Security option for the port you are using. None, TLS, or SSL may be required depending upon the port number you are connecting to. See for a list of common configurations.

Creating a Department

A support department may be created under [Support] -> [Departments] -> [Add Department].


NameThe department name is shown throughout the interface to reference the department a ticket may be assigned to.
DescriptionThe department description is shown on client-facing pages.
Allow only clients to open or reply to ticketsChecking this option will only allow tickets to be assigned to this department from a known client.
EmailA unique department email address should be set for email handling.
Override the from address set in email templates with the email address set for this departmentChecking this option will set the From address in support ticket emails to this department's email.
Default PriorityTickets created without a priority set (e.g. from email) will be created using the default priority status.
Email Handling

Email Handling will allow for additional configuration for automatic ticket retrieval via email through POP/IMAP or piping.

Configuring departments for ticket piping will allow tickets to be retrieved and processed into Blesta immediately.

Piping ConfigurationConfiguring piping may vary. See Email Piping for more information.


Configuring departments for POP/IMAP ticket retrieval is dependent on the automation task "Download Tickets". Ticket emails will be retrieved at the interval set for that cron task.

SecuritySSL, TLS, or no security flags may be configured to determine whether tickets are retrieved securely.
Box NameThis is the name of the folder/inbox on the email account that will contain new tickets for import.
Mark Messages asEmails that are processed need to be marked as Read, or Deleted entirely so that they are not imported again. POP3 will always delete messages, but IMAP may be marked as read to avoid importing the same message as a ticket more than once.
HostEnter the hostname to connect to to retrieve email.
UserEnter the username of the email account.
PassEnter the password to the email account.
PortEnter the port to connect on to retrieve email. This may vary depending on mail server settings and protocol.
Automatically Close Tickets

After the selected number of days have passed, any tickets belonging to the department will be automatically closed if the following conditions are met:

  • The last person to reply to the ticket was a staff member
  • The ticket status is not "In Progress", or already closed.

Tickets are closed by cron, and are so dependent on the "Close Tickets" automation task.

A pre-defined response may be defined, and any tickets that are auto-closed will be updated with the set response.

StatusThe department status may be Hidden or Visible. This indicates whether a client may view and create a ticket in this department from the client interface. Note that tickets may still be created if emailed into this department.


Email Piping

If your department is set up to receive tickets via email piping, your server must be configured to pipe those messages into the support manager.

Email should be piped to "/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php".

If you have any addon companies, you will need to copy pipe.php to something like pipe2.php, and edit the $company_id variable in the top of the file to reference the proper company ID that email should be piped to. The primary company is 1, a second company would be 2, etc. Go to [Settings] > [System Settings] > Companies, and you can determine the company ID by the "Edit" link. A link with a URL of "/admin/settings/system/companies/edit/2/" has a company ID of 2.

In your /etc/aliases file, it might look something like this..

support: "|/usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php"

If you experience any trouble with that, you can alternatively pipe mail to "index.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1" assuming "1" in the company ID.

support: "|/usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/index.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1"

In some cases, when piping using the 1st method above, it may be necessary to update the hashbang for the path to php in the pipe script located at "/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php".

The first line of the file should begin with the hashbang, for example:

#!/usr/bin/php -q
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


On some systems you may need to create a symlink to php and pipe.php in /etc/smrsh..

cd /etc/smrsh
ln -s /usr/bin/php
ln -s /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php

Formatting, Styling, and Adding Links to Replies

The Markdown syntax is supported for ticket replies. Adding links, making text bold, italic and more can be all be done by using Markdown. See to learn more.


Tickets may be created by admins, clients, or emailed in to the system depending on the support department settings. As of version 2.5.0 of the Support Plugin, client contact's may also create and reply to tickets on behalf of the client, and will be included in any email correspondence for tickets they are directly involved in.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base was added in version 2.6.0, and included in Blesta v3.4.0. It allows for the creation of a directory structure and articles to supplement client support. The public-facing knowledge base pages are viewable from your Blesta installation at "/client/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/" (e.g. If Blesta is installed under the "billing" directory on your domain, the URL to the knowledge base would be