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This email template is sent to a client's payment account contact to notify them after a credit card (CC) payment was attempted from their account, but failed due to an error.

Supported Tags

The tags described in Blesta are only a list of commonly-used tags, for brevity.

The tags below are all of those available for this email template. For other email and tag customizations, see Customizing Emails.

{contact.first_name}The contact's first name
{contact.last_name}The contact's last name
{}The contact's email address
{}The name of the company, in Blesta, that the client belongs to
{response.transaction_id}The transaction ID given by the payment gateway
{response.message}The error message given by the payment gateway
{amount}The formatted amount processed with the gateway

e.g. $15.00

{card_type}The type of credit card usede.g. "Visa"
{last_four}The last four digits of the credit card number

Due to the nature of tag objects containing several fields, many of which are likely irrelevant for use in email templates, but may be useful to you in certain circumstances, an example dump of the tag objects are shown below.

stdClass Object
    [id] => 2
    [client_id] => 2
    [user_id] =>
    [contact_type] => primary
    [contact_type_id] => 
    [first_name] => First
    [last_name] => Last
    [title] => 
    [company] => Company Co.
    [email] =>
    [address1] => 123 Main St.
    [address2] => 
    [city] => City
    [state] => CA
    [zip] => 90001
    [country] => US
    [date_added] => 2014-01-01 00:00:00
    [contact_type_name] =>
    [contact_type_is_lang] =>

stdClass Object
    [id] => 1
    [name] => Phillips Data, Inc.
    [hostname] =>
    [address] => 
    [phone] => 
    [fax] => 

 stdClass Object
    [status] => error
    [reference_id] => 0987654321
    [transaction_id] => 1X270001110
    [message] => The credit card has expired