Domain Manager is a plugin that handles the registration, renewal and provisioning of domains.

Table of Contents

The Domain Manager is installed by default, but may need to be installed for addon companies.

About Domain Manager

The Domain Manager is responsible for handling the registration, renewal and provisioning of domains, as well as managing the pricing and packages.


WidgetsNav LinksClient CardsAutomation TasksEmail TemplatesACL PermissionsSearchEventsService Management

* Plugins are powerful and are not limited to the tie-ins listed above, these are just some of the most common

Installing Domain Manager

  1. Visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Plugins] > Available.
  2. Click the "Install" button within the Domain Manager plugin listing.

Domain Manager Overview

Once installed, a new dropdown will appear in the navigation bar called [Domains], where TLDs and domains can be managed. In the screen below, three TLDs have already been created and they can be managed at this location.

Adding a new TLD

To add a new TLD navigate to  [Domains] > [TLD Pricing] and click the "Add TLD" button in the upper right.