Release Date2021-01-13


End of Life Date2022-01-13

Table of Contents


This is a feature release for 5.0.0. This page will be updated to include tasks completed in subsequent betas as well as the final release.

Important highlights from this release

  1. Increased system requirements and removed deprecated code and superfluous libraries.
  2. Upgraded to Bootstrap v4, and Font Awesome v5.
  3. Added a new Navigation Editor. Staff, Client, and Public navigation items can be sorted, added, or removed.
  4. Added support for uploading a logo for use in the Staff and Client areas.
  5. The Staff area was improved for mobile devices.
  6. Added support for VAT verification through VIES.
  7. Added emoji support system-wide, updating the character set from utf8 to uttf8mb4.
  8. Session names can now be renamed in the config file. Useful for multiple Blesta install on the same domain.
  9. Order Received and Order Received (Mobile) email templates now include additional tags for Address 2, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, and Country.
  10. File based monologs generated by the cron are now named differently.
  11. Twilio updated to use the latest SDK.
  12. Updated the PostalMethods integration to use their new API for postal delivery of invoices.
  13. SolusVM updated to add support for noVNC console.
  14. Much more...

Developer Migration Guide for Blesta 5.0

Deprecated Functionality

Much deprecated functionality has been removed, see a deprecation list here

Highlighted Removals

New Actions/Navigation

Updated UI Libraries

Hotfix Notice

Blesta no longer supports versions older than PHP 7.2, so there is no longer a need to ship hotfixes.


All updates for this release (May be limited to first 200)