LogicBoxes is a domain registrar platform and supports many different registrars.

Table of Contents

This LogicBoxes API is also used by ResellerClub, NetEarthOne, Resell.biz, and many others. Consult your registrar provider to see if they support the LogicBoxes platform.

Installing LogicBoxes

  1. Visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Modules] > Available.
  2. Click the "Install" button within the Logicboxes module listing.



Registrar NameThe name of the registrar. This is useful as many registrars use the LogicBoxes platform and you may process domains from more than one.
Reseller IDThe reseller ID provided by your registrar.
KeyThe API key provided by your registrar.
SandboxCheck to enable sandbox processing. This simulates API requests, and will not actually registrar domains.