Table of Contents

Required Methods

All of these required methods can be defined in a messenger configuration file instead.

The following methods are required to be implemented for each messenger.


The getName() method simply returns the name of the messenger. It's always best to define any language in your messenger using language files (see Translating Blesta for more information).

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {

	public function getName()
		return Language::_('', true);


This method must return the current version number of the messenger. Upon installation or upgrade, Blesta records the current code version so that it can tell when an upgrade/downgrade is available. The version number should be compatible with PHP's version_compare() function.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {
	const VERSION = '1.0.0';

	public function getVersion()
		return self::VERSION;


This method returns an array containing information about the authors of the messenger.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {
    private static $authors = [
		['name' => 'Phillips Data, Inc.', 'url' => '']


	public function getAuthors()
		return self::$authors;


This method returns a list of the message types supported by the messenger.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {


	public function getTypes()
		return ['sms'];

send($to_user_id, $content, $type = null)

This method sends the message.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {


	public function send($to_user_id, $content, $type = null)
        Loader::loadModels($this, ['Staff', 'Clients']);

        // Fetch user information
        $is_client = true;
        if (($user = $this->Staff->getByUserId($to_user_id))) {
            $is_client = false;
        } else {
            $user = $this->Clients->getByUserId($to_user_id);

        // Send message
        $error = null;
        $success = false;

        if ($type == 'sms') {

			$success = true;

        $this->log($to_user_id, $content, $error, $success);

Optional Methods

The methods below are optional.


The getDescription() method simply returns the description of the messenger. It's always best to define any language in your messenger using language files (see Translating Blesta for more information).

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {


	public function getDescription()
		return Language::_('MyMessenger.description', true);


The getLogo() method returns the relative path (within the messenger's directory) to the logo used to represent the messenger. The default value is views/default/images/logo.png. This translates to /install_dir/components/messengers/my_messenger/views/default/images/logo.png

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {


	public function getLogo()
		return 'some/path/to/my/logo.png';