The InputFields class is automatically made available to any messenger. To begin using it simply initialize the object within your messenger method.

The following messenger methods must return an InputFields object:

Creating InputFields

Creating fields using the InputFields class allows you to define a set of input fields that may be displayed in a variety of contexts, without worrying about how those fields are contained. There are three aspects of creating a field, described below, that include: creating the field label, creating the field, and attaching the field to the label.

Creating Labels

Creating a label will return a InputFields object.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger { 

    public function getConfigurationFields(&$vars = [])
        // Create the label
        $fields = new InputFields();
        $my_label = $fields->label("My Field Label", "my_field_label_id");


        return $fields;

Creating Fields

As with creating a label, creating a field will return a InputField object. The example below uses the InputFields::fieldText() method, but others exist for creating radio buttons, textarea fields, and everything else you'll need.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger { 


    public function getConfigurationFields(&$vars = [])
        // Create the label
        $fields = new InputFields();
        $my_label = $fields->label("My Field Label", "my_field_id");
        // Create the field
        $my_field = $fields->fieldText("my_field_name", "default value", array('id' => "my_field_id"));
        return $fields;

Attaching a Fields to a Label

A field may be attached to a label using the InputField::attach() method, or, instead, attach a label to a field using InputField::setLabel().

class MyMessenger extends Messenger { 


    public function getConfigurationFields(&$vars = [])
        // Create the label
        $fields = new InputFields();
        $my_label = $fields->label("My Field Label", "my_field_id");
        // Create the field
        $my_field = $fields->fieldText("my_field_name", "default value", array('id' => "my_field_id"));

        // Attach the field to the label
        // OR, attach the label to the field, instead
        // $my_field->setLabel($my_label);


        return $fields;

Adding tooltips to a Label

Tooltips can be created using the InputFields::tooltip() method, then attached using InputField::attach(). In the example below we've eliminated unnecessary variable declarations to give a more concise example.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger { 


    public function getConfigurationFields(&$vars = [])
        // Create the label
        $fields = new InputFields();
        $my_label = $fields->label("My Field Label", "my_field_id");

        // Create and attach the field to the label
        $my_label->attach($fields->fieldText("my_field_name", "default value", array('id' => "my_field_id")));

        // Attach a tooltip to the label
        $my_label->attach($fields->tooltip("This is my tooltip"));

        return $fields;

A tooltip may not be attached to a label that is, itself, attached to a field.

... but that would be silly.

Complex Fields

Blesta supports InputFields up to two levels deep. This allows you to easily create a set of checkboxes or radio buttons associated with a single field.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger { 


    public function getPackageFields($vars=null) {
        // Create the label
        $fields = new InputFields();
        $my_label = $fields->label("My Field Label", "my_field_id");

		// Create a field label displayed next to the checkbox
		$field_label = $fields->label("My Value", "my_field_my_value_id");

        // Create and attach the field to the label, set as checked (3rd param) if necessary
        $my_label->attach($fields->fieldCheckbox("my_field_name", "my_value", (isset($vars->my_field_name) && $vars->my_field_name == "my_value"), array('id' => "my_field_my_value_id"), $field_label));

        // Attach a tooltip to the label
        $my_label->attach($fields->tooltip("This is my tooltip"));

        return $fields;

Creating HTML content

The InputFields class supports HTML content as well. You may choose to set nothing but HTML content, but the best practice is to set fields using the method mentioned in the section above and only set javascript and that sort of thing as HTML content.

To set HTML content use the InputFields::setHtml() method.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {


    public function getPackageFields($vars=null) {
        $fields = new InputFields();
            <script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('ok!');</script>


Overriding Package/Service Fields

Generally it is a good idea to name your fields such that they work within the scope of your own messenger. For example, if your messenger requires a field named "term", naming it instead "my_messenger_term" will prevent conflicts with fields used by the system. However, in some cases you may want to allow your messenger to set a service field directly. One such example is the quantity field (qty). Here's how you can set a quantity field when creating a service.

class MyMessenger extends Messenger {


    public function getAdminAddFields($package, $vars=null) {
        Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Html"));

        $fields = new InputFields();

		// Create qty label
        $qty = $fields->label("Quantity", "my_qty");
        // Create qty field and attach to qty label
        $qty->attach($fields->fieldText("qty", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->qty), array('id' => "my_qty")));
        // Set the label as a field
