How to change and customize email templates.

Blesta 3.0 uses the H2o Template system for parsing Email Tempaltes. The following is an overview of its basic usage. We've overridden the default {{ var_name }} with { var_name } for simplicity, but that's the only way in which the following documentation differ from any official H2o documentation.

Conditional Statements

{% if id > 3 %}

This will print out if $id is > 3

{% endif %}


{% for user in users %}

Name: {user.first_name} {user.last_name}

{% endfor %}


$users = array(
         'first_name'=>"First name",
         'last_name'=>"Last name"
         'first_name'=>"First name 2",
         'last_name'=>"Last name 2"

Loops can also take advantage of limits:

{% for user in users limit:1 %}

The above would only cycle through the loop one time.


Filters are applied to individual variables and are preceded by a pipe symbol (|). These will likely not be used. See /vendors/h2o/h2o/filters.php for a complete list.

{past_due | default 'Not past due'} // Produces "Not past due" if past_due is false

Multiple filters can be applied in succession:

{past_due | default 'not past due' | capitalize} // Produces NOT PAST DUE if past_due is false


Adding the following tag to any email template will enable debugging, and display data key value pairs:

{% debug %}