Upgrading steps and common issues.

Table of Contents

Before attempting any upgrade or making any changes to your installation, you should always back up your system. If properly configured, Blesta can back up your database automatically, but you should back up all files as well, just in case you need to roll back.


Follow these steps to install Blesta on your server.

1. Download Blesta

Visit https://account.blesta.com/ and click "Downloads", then click to download the latest version.

2. Unzip the Archive

Unzip the Blesta archive (.zip) file using your favorite compression utility. On Windows, right click and select "Extract All". If the zip is uploaded to or downloaded directly to a Linux server, run the following in your shell:

unzip blesta-vx.x.x.zip
3. Upload Files & Launch Upgrader

Upload the contents of the public_html directory to your server where you installed Blesta overwriting your existing files and point your web browser to ~/admin/upgrade

Blesta may be upgraded in one of two ways: