Basic email settings, such as whether to send HTML emails or use SMTP, email templates, and email signatures are under this company setting in three sections: Mail Settings, Email Templates, and Signatures.

Mail Settings

Mail settings allow the choice of PHP or SMTP mail methods, and whether or not to send HTML email. HTML email content can be specified alongside text content in Email Templates. The ability to specify an SMTP server in multi-company installations is especially useful because email for those companies may originate from different domains. With SPF and DKIM becoming more popular, using the appropriate mail server is important for deliverability.

Email Templates

All available email templates for the authenticated company are available here and are available for edit. Each template is available for edit in all installed languages, in both HTML and Text. Email templates support Conditional Statements, Loops, and Filters. Details and syntax for these are described under Customizing Emails.


Signatures are snippets that appear at the bottom of an email and typically contain the contact information for the sender. Usually multiple email templates would use a single signature, so updating that signature is a simple process through the use of signatures. While editing an email template, a signature, or no signature may be selected.