Release DateDecember 23, 2019


End of Life DateDecember 23, 2020


This is a feature release for 4.8.0. This page will be updated to include tasks completed in subsequent betas as well as the final release.

Important highlights from this release

  1. Added the Pterodactyl Game Server hosting module.
  2. Added the APNSCP shared hosting module.
  3. Updated the cPanel module to add support for selling subdomains, dedicated IP addresses, and limiting the number of accounts resellers can provision.
  4. Updated the Plesk module to allow name servers to be defined for each server and used within the welcome email.
  5. Updated the order system to allow direct linking to products with their configurable options pre-selected.
  6. Updated the Soft Auto Installer Softaculous plugin to add support for Plesk and CentOS Web Panel in addition to cPanel.
  7. During installation, the MySQL port may be overridden from the default 3306.
  8. Added new currency formats.
  9. Removed date ranges shown for configurable options to reduce redundancy from the parent.
  10. The navigation cache is now cleared automatically, during upgrade
  11. Much more...

Hotfix Notice

Blesta supports PHP 5.4-7.3 out of the box when your Ioncube Loader version is 10.1 or greater. If you are running a version of Ioncube Loaders less than 10.1, you may apply one of the included hotfixes for backwards compatibility.

* PHP version >= 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php71/blesta/
* PHP version >= 5.6.0 and < 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php7/blesta/
* PHP version >= 5.4.0 and < 5.6.0 - use /hotfix-php54/blesta/


All updates for this release (May be limited to first 200)