Release DateMay 28, 2019

End of Life DateMay 28, 2020


This is a feature release for 4.6.0. This page will be updated to include tasks completed in subsequent betas as well as the final release.

Important highlights from this release

  1. Added the gateway Widepay.
  2. Updated cPanel to add Single Sign On (SSO) support.
  3. Updated cWatch to add support for upgrades/downgrades and many other improvements.
  4. Added an optional renew price option that can be different from new purchases. Good for offering onboarding discounts without coupons.
  5. Configurable options now support a default option.
  6. Configurable options can now be marked inactive so that it cannot be ordered, but works for existing clients who have it.
  7. Configurable options now support descriptions that appear as tooltips.
  8. Invoices can now be voided when a service is cancelled even if it's past due, up to a time you specify.
  9. Invoice search now includes searching by the Invoice ID.
  10. A new setting allows forcing unique email addresses for clients, or for all contact types.
  11. When adding a service manually as a staff member, you can select the module row / server to be used, overriding Package settings.
  12. When recording a payment for a client, staff may now select a status other than "Approved".
  13. The client area now shows "Pending" transactions in the transactions widget.
  14. Much more...

Hotfix Notice

Blesta supports PHP 5.4-7.3 out of the box when your Ioncube Loader version is 10.1 or greater. If you are running a version of Ioncube Loaders less than 10.1, you may apply one of the included hotfixes for backwards compatibility.

* PHP version >= 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php71/blesta/
* PHP version >= 5.6.0 and < 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php7/blesta/
* PHP version >= 5.4.0 and < 5.6.0 - use /hotfix-php54/blesta/


All updates for this release (May be limited to first 200)