KeyDefault ValueNotesInheritableSince Version
auto_apply_creditstrueEnables available client credits to be applied to open invoices automatically

auto_paid_pending_servicestrueEnables available paid pending services to be provisioned automatically

autodebittrueEnables autodebiting of a client when payment is due

autodebit_attempts3The number of attempts and failures to process a payment account before that payment account is disabled from being automatically debited.

autodebit_days_before_due1The number of days before a payment is due when an attempt will be made to autodebit the account for said payment

autosuspendtrueEnables auto suspension of a client for non-payment

calendar_beginssundayThe first day of the week for the calendar

cancel_service_changes_days7The number of days after a queued service change (e.g. upgrade) has been unpaid at which time it will be canceled and the associated invoice voided
cancelation_fee_taxfalseEnables cancelation fees to be taxable

cascade_taxfalseEnables tax on tax

client_change_service_packagefalseOffers clients the choice to change their service to a different package belonging to the same package group and module
client_change_service_termfalseOffers clients the choice to change the pricing term of their services
client_create_addonstrueOffers clients the ability to create addons for existing services
client_prorate_creditsfalseEnables prorated credits for services, or service configurable options, that are downgraded
client_set_currencyfalseOffers clients the choice to set their own default currency

client_set_invoicetrueOffers clients the choice to set their preferred invoice method

client_set_langtrueOffers clients the choice to set their preferred language

client_view_dirbootstrapThe view directory for the client interface

clients_cancel_servicesfalseOffers clients the choice to cancel their services

clients_format{num}The format of client IDs




clients_start1500The first client ID number to begin with

countryUSThe 2-character country code

date_formatM d, YThe format for dates

datetime_formatM d, Y g:i:s AThe format for date and time

default_currencyUSDThe 3-character currency code to use as default

The delivery methods enabled for this company

enable_taxfalseEnables tax to be calculated in the system

exchange_rates_auto_updatefalseEnables currency exchange rates to automatically update periodically

exchange_rates_padding3The percentage value to pad exchange rate calculations with

The exchange rate processor to use to retrieve exchange rates

The exchange rate processor API key to use when retrieving exchange rates
html_emailtrueEnables email to be delivered in HTML

The password for the Interfax account

The username for the Interfax account

The full path to the invoice background image

inv_days_before_renewal5The number of days before a service renews when a new invoice is to be generated

inv_display_companyinfotrueEnables company address info to be displayed on invoices

inv_display_due_date_drafttrueEnables due dates to be displayed on draft invoices
inv_display_due_date_proformatrueEnables due dates to be displayed on pro forma invoices
inv_display_due_date_invtrueEnables due dates to be displayed on standard invoices
inv_display_logotrueEnables company logo to be displayed on invoices

inv_display_paid_watermarktrueEnables a paid watermark to be display on invoices

inv_display_paymentstrueEnables payments and credits to be displayed in a new table on invoices
inv_draft_formatDRAFT-{num}The format of draft invoice IDs

inv_format{num}The format of invoice IDs

inv_group_servicestrueCreates a single invoice for services that renew on the same day for a client, or (if false) a separate invoice for each service.
inv_increment1The increment step for the number set for invoice IDs

The full path to the invoice logo image

inv_methodemailThe primary method to use to deliver invoices

inv_mimetypeapplication/pdfThe Mime-Type of the file that the invoice is created for

inv_pad_size0The padding character-length to use for invoice ID numbers

inv_pad_str0The string to pad the auto-incrementing invoice ID numbers with

inv_paper_sizeletterThe paper size of the invoice

inv_proforma_start1The first proforma invoice ID number to begin with
inv_proforma_formatPROFORMA-{num}The format of proforma invoice IDs
inv_start1The first invoice ID number to begin with

inv_suspended_servicestrueEnables suspendend services to continue to be invoiced

inv_templatedefault_invoiceThe template to use for generating invoices

In v4.5.0, the inv_terms key no longer exists. It is replaced by inv_terms_ followed by the language code, e.g. inv_terms_en_us

The Terms to display on the invoice.

The inv_terms key has been replaced by additional keys including the language code, e.g. inv_terms_en_us or inv_terms_de_de for English and German languages, respectively, based on the available installed languages.

inv_typestandardThe invoice type (standard or proforma)
languageen_usThe default language

mail_deliveryphpThe method with which to send email

multi_currency_pricingpackageThe pricing scheme to use when evaluating multi-currency prices

notice_pending_autodebit1The number of days before an invoice is scheduled to be autodebited that the Auto-Debit Pending notice should be sent.

notice1-1The number of days after an invoice has gone unpaid before sending the first late notice

notice23The number of days after an invoice has gone unpaid before sending the second late notice


The number of days after an invoice has gone unpaid before sending the third late notice

The package number format.

packages_increment1The package id increment value

packages_pad_size0The packages padding size

packages_pad_str0The packages padding character

packages_start1The package start id

payments_allowed_achtrueEnables ACH payments to be processed through gateways and be added to payment accounts

payments_allowed_cctrueEnables credit card payments to be processed through gateways and be added to payment accounts

The API Key required to make requests with PostalMethods

postalmethods_replyenvelopefalseWhether or not to include a reply envelope with the mailed letter

postalmethods_testmodetrueEnables test mode for the PostalMethods account

The private key used for decryption

The private key passphrase to set in order to decrypt

process_paid_service_changesfalseWhether or not service changes (e.g. upgrades) should be queued and processed only after the associated invoice has been paid
The public key used for encryption

receive_email_marketingfalseWhether or not clients may receive marketing emails

The optional contact fields that are required for creating/updating contacts
send_payment_noticestrueWhether or not clients can be sent any of the Payment Due Notices
services_format{num}The format of service IDs

services_increment1The increment step for the number set for service IDs

services_pad_size0The padding character-length to use for service ID numbers

services_pad_str0The string to pad the auto-incrementing service ID numbers with

services_start1The first service ID number to begin with

setup_fee_taxfalseEnables setup fees to be taxable

show_client_tax_idtrueWhether or not the Tax ID field is shown in the client interface
show_currency_codefalseEnables currency codes to be shown next to currency values

show_receive_email_marketingtrueWhether or not the 'receive_email_marketing' setting is shown in the client interface

The SMTP hostname to a mail server

The SMTP password to a mail server

smtp_port465The SMTP port to connect to a mail server on

smtp_securitysslThe SMTP protocol to use.

The SMTP username to a mail server

suspend_services_days_after_due7The number of days after a service is overdue and unpaid when it will be suspended.

synchronize_addonstrueWhether or not addon/child services should be set to the same renew date as their parent when they are created.  In such cases, the price of the addon would be prorated based on the new renew date.

tax_exemptfalseEnables a client to be tax-exempt

The Tax ID/VATIN number

theme_admin1The ID of the theme to use for the admin interface

theme_client12The ID of the theme to use for the client interface

timezoneAmerica/Los_AngelesThe timezone to use for the system

Sets a restriction on whether email addresses of contacts must be unique. Values may be primary or all. A value of all will require all contacts have unique email addresses, while a value of primary will require that only primary contacts (i.e. clients) have unique email addresses. No email restriction is imposed otherwise.

void_invoice_canceled_servicetrueWhether to void invoices for a service when it is cancelled