Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The default order form exists at /order/, relative to your installation path. Other order forms may be accessed through their unique label identifier. Below are a few examples:


LabelURIDefault Order Form
Web Designdesign




VPS Serversvps/order/main/index/vps
Domain Registrationdomains/order/main/index/domains


Display Package Group
  • group_id The ID of the package group to display.
Display Package Group with Package Selected
  • group_id The ID of the package group to display.
  • package_id The ID of the package to select by default.


    Note that this is the ID of the package as seen in the URL when editing the package.

Display Package Configuration with Price Selected
  • group_id The ID of the package group to display.
  • pricing_id The ID of the package pricing.


    The pricing_id is the ID of a particular price point as defined under the package.

  • configoptions A list of option IDs and their values (since plugin v2.21.0+)

Order TemplateURI

AJAX Boxes

AJAX Slider



titleConfigurable Options may be set in version 2.21.0+ of the Order plugin

Specific configurable options can be set by specifying each option in the URI using the option ID and the option value in the format "configoptions[OPTIONID]=VALUE", e.g.:


Note: Be sure your option values are properly URL encoded!

Wizard Boxes

Wizard Slider

Wizard List



titleConfigurable Options may be set in version 2.21.0+ of the Order plugin

Specific configurable options can be set by specifying each option in the URI using the option ID and the option value in the format "configoptions[OPTIONID]=VALUE", e.g.:


Note: Be sure your option values are properly URL encoded!

titleDomain and Other

Note! When using the "Domain and Other" order type, you should link to the domain search page and include your parameters. e.g. /order/config/preconfig/label/(parameters, like ?group_id=5&pricing_id=5)

Linking to an Order Form to Include a Coupon


Set a Coupon to an Order Form
  • coupon The coupon code to apply to the order
/order/main/index/label/?coupon=CPN123In this example, the
  • Coupon code is CPN123
  • Order form label is label
Set a Coupon to a Specific Product
  • group_id The ID of the package group to display
  • package_id The ID of the package to select by default


    Note that this is the ID of the package as seen in the URL when editing the package.

  • coupon The coupon code to apply to the product

In this example, the

  • Coupon code is 10off
  • Order form label is vps
  • Package Group ID is 1
  • Package ID is 5
Set a Coupon to a Specific Product Configuration
  • group_id The ID of the package group to display.
  • pricing_id The ID of the package pricing.


    The pricing_id is the ID of a particular price point as defined under the package.

  • coupon The coupon code to apply to the order
  • configoptions A list of option IDs and their values (since plugin v2.21.0+)

Order TemplateURI

AJAX Boxes

AJAX Slider



Note: Be sure your option values are properly URL encoded!

Wizard Boxes

Wizard Slider

Wizard List



Note: Be sure your option values are properly URL encoded!

In this example, the

  • Coupon code is 10off
  • Order form label is label
  • Package Group ID is 1
  • Package Pricing ID is 15
  • Package Configurable Options are:

    Option IDOption Value
    7default option

Linking to an Order Form to Include the Currency


titleClick here to see client profile manage affiliate screenshots...

How can I manually adjust an affiliates funds?

Sometimes it's necessary to manually adjust an affiliates funds available for payout. This can be done by editing the database manually (backup first!) and updating the order_affiliate_settings.total_available where order_affiliate_settings.affiliate_id = the affiliate's ID. The affiliate's ID can be found by managing the affiliate, and observing the ID in the URL. a URL ending in "/admin/plugin/order/admin_main/affiliates/1" would indicate an affiliate ID of 1.


To enable messengers for the Order System, you need to go to Billing, then click the cog/gear on the orders widget. If it's not disabled go to Manage widgets and then drag the Order System plugin to the left. If it's not shown up go to Settings > Company > Plugins > Order System: Install. It should be installed by default on the first company.


  • reCaptcha always returns "The captcha entered was invalid. Please try again."
    • This may be a result of allow_url_fopen being disabled in your PHP config. To confirm, check your Blesta logs for: general.WARNING: E_WARNING: file_get_contents(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 This directive must be changed for reCaptcha to work properly.
  • When a user visits the payment page to pay with PayPal or another non-merchant gateway, they are redirected after 5 seconds without clicking the payment button.
    • This redirect is intentional, but if you are using PayPal Subscriptions and there are 2 buttons, users may not have enough time to make a selection before being redirected. To change the time to redirect, edit /plugins/order/views/templates/(wizard/ajax)/javascript/checkout_complete.js and change the value for delay(5000) to the desired value. The number represents milliseconds. 
  • The summary box in the order form overlaps the footer when I scroll down
    • This is likely caused by an custom adjustment to your footer that has increased its height.  To compensate you'll need to update plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/config.pdt and change bottomSpacing: 100 to whatever matches the new header height