Table of Contents

About Namesilo

Namesilo is a popular domain name registrar offering cheap domain names. Learn more about Namesilo on their website at

Registrar Module Features

RegisterRenewTransferDNS ManagementEmail ForwardingID ProtectionEPP CodePricing Import









Installing NameSilo

  1. Visit [Settings] > [Company] > [Modules] > Available.
  2. Click the "Install" button within the NameSilo module listing.

After installation click on Manage to add your NameSilo account.

UserThe API User provided by NameSilo.
KeyThe API key provided by NameSilo.

Check to enable sandbox mode. This simulates API requests, it will not register domains.

Default PortfolioYour reference.

Importing domain TLDs from NameSilo

One of the main features of the NameSilo module which sets it apart from all our other domain modules is the Manage Packages feature.

Firstly we need to create a "Package Group" for the domains so let's do that by going to [Packages] > [Package Groups] and create a package group for all the domains.

We will be using "Domains" in this guide.

Next we need to go back to the Manage NameSilo page above after installation and click on "Manage Packages".



Package NameEnter a package name, you can use either {domain.tld} ".com" or {domain.tld_uppercase} ".COM"
DescriptionYou can write a description about the TLDs.
Use renewal prices for package upgradesWhen enabled, upgrading to this package will use renewal prices if they are set. The regular price will be used if this setting is disabled.

AccountIf you have multiple accounts for NameSilo select the account to use for these domains.
Name ServersEnter your name servers which the new domains will be set-up with.



Available TLDsSelect all the domains you wish to sell, if it's more than 89, pick the 89 first then select the rest as-well.

TLDYour selected domain TLDs will show up here.
CurrencyIf you have more than one currency in Blesta it will show each currency per TLD for you to pick a price for.
Previous Registration priceThe previous registration price you was being charged for the TLD
Previous Renewal PriceThe previous renewal price you was being charged for the TLD
Current Registration PriceThe current registration price you're being charged for the TLD
Current Renewal PriceThe current renewal price you're being charged for the TLD
PriceThe price you want to charge your customers for registering the TLD.
Renewal PriceThe price you want to charge your customers for renewing the TLD.
LockTick this box to lock in the price.

Finally select the Domain package group you created at the start and hit Save packages. All the packages will be created for you straight away.

Final Steps

The only thing left to do is to add this "Domain package group" to an order form so clients may place orders for your NameSilo. See Selling Domains for more details.

Creating Packages

Welcome Email

The "Tags" section describes tags that may be used in the welcome email. The welcome email content is inserted into the "Service Creation" email template under [Settings] > [Company] > [Emails] > Service Creation. Only details unique to this service should be entered into the welcome email section for the package.

Sample Email

This sample email could be used in the Package Welcome Email section to help you get started. Be sure to enter content for your welcome email in both the HTML and Text sections.

Your new domain has been successfully registered!

Domain: {service.domain}

Thank you for your business!
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